January 16, 2013, 10:12am
Agree 100%. Although the secure gun storage and first responder aspects of the bill aren’t bad.
7 rounds is completely asinine.
There ARE problems with the gun culture in this country, but telling everyone they can only shoot seven times before reloading isn’t going to solve them, and nor is banning guns that might “look scary” despite being functionally no different than any other semi-auto rifle.
And for the love of god, if there are people ranting about how the president is a muslim, do not let them get near a news camera. This entire legislation was passed because people are scared shitless after a shocking string of shootings in the last year. What needs to happen to get any traction with society as a whole is to come off as articulate, sane, well-adjusted members of society. Anything that can be used to portray your cause as a bunch of fringe crazies WILL be used to do so. You probably don’t want to be grouped in with them, but this is the shit the people fighting for drug reform have to deal with. Find the most unflattering attendees at a rally/event, show them, and it colors the whole movement.
Don’t be racist. Don’t be homophobic. Spellcheck your signs. Don’t claim the president was a muslim or not born in the US. Avoid all of that, and discourage others in attendance from doing so, and its less likely you are going to be dismissed.
i understand some is good but the majority of that bill is weird. they want my gun but not theirs? they want to sterotype a gun because its black or looks like a assulat rifle. they want to make defending myself harder? whats next taking my shoes and car?