2nd "bi" Annual Root Beer Cruise Attandance List. V2.0

Hmm… Schedule set in stone 3 months prior? :wtf

Girl friends high school graduation… freaking young people gotta ruin everything. ive been outta school for 2 years and i forgot abuot graduation day. plus shes going on a 2 week cruise in bermuda on june 29th. sooooo ill either meet up at the a&W place or the beach. EITHER way im going to turning stone… i have 800 on my account, that im dieing to blow.

Webcast the graduation & watch it on your phone, then, tell her to meet you at the park. :lol

BTW, we’re not going to A&W.

At any rate, I’m sure we’ll be there for a while, and we need to be out by dark. I’m sure there will be other things going on at night, too.

I’ve written the check for the pavillion & it will go out tonight.

Still about $50 short, so if you plan on coming & haven’t paid, could you do me a favor & send your $3? Diapers, formula & daycare are expensive, and I’d hate to make my lil’ 8 month old girl go without any of those… :stuck_out_tongue:

Did my attempt at guilt tripping work? LOL

lol, as soon as i get paid tonight, direct deposit is around 6. maybe later.

but anywho, thats good for being outta there by dark…8/9pm? not bad. should be done with her crap by 2, maybe 3. small school, graduating class is 67. K-12 is in one building :lol, it feels weird cuz my class was 325+.

Not a problem, sir.

Just trying to guilt some more people into paying, that’s all.

5 more on this site alone. :wow

5 more paid or are coming?

Totally didn’t type what I meant.

I meant that there were 5 people on this site that said they were coming that haven’t paid.

Tried to type quick while a customer was coming in. :tong

34 people said they were coming.

20 paid so far.

You know what’s crazy?

I have more NADS members paid (6) than Shift (2)!

Shift = :sleep

NADS = :banana

LOL!! :stuck_out_tongue:

ya expenses, right now are crazy because of

my new project
Albany Med (FTL by the way)
6 hour defense driving for insurance (even tho its super cheap)
and nascar/Shift518 trips



It’s okay, man… I fronted the rest to get this going even though I really didn’t have that $50…


I blame the management :tong

How about we look at donation amounts and then compare to make it fair?


NADS = $18 Total
Shift = $13 Total.


that answers alot of questions for me.

K20 is slacking bah.

K20, BigRed, Swifty, ///Mean318 & 240.


LOL… No pressure or anything. ;D

Well since technically Nyhexx and pimpin are members on here, count those as paid too :tong

I’m going by location/demographic/group, sir.

Shift members will most likely cruise out from the Albany area to meet us as a group, and therefore, will be categorized as such. Similarly, the NADS guys will cruise up from the Cobleskill area, and are listed as a group as well.

It would wreak havoc on the entire event to classify two participants as paid from two distinct groups, so henceforth, the parties in question will remain as previously segregated.

I appreciate your concern. Thank you, drive through.


Havoc is half the fun! :lol