3 piece wheel headaches

So I’ve been looking into this for awhile and I think I want to re-lip my own wheels.

Now, from what I already know new lips for the dish blah blah blah but the part I’m stuck at is cutting the lip free from the barrel, I have 3pc welded.

Anyone with experience on this topic? Do I just go at er with a grinder/dremel or do I have to go the route of a horizontal lathe(not sure if this is the correct name for it)

Also, mods, if this is in the wrong section please move. I’m not hip to nyspeed

I’d talk to a machine shop that specializes in that. Nothing good will come about just “taking a dremel to er”

IMO i wouldnt even bother doing that and just search for new wheels…

ive split a few sets of 3pc wheels to put new lips on but never welded 3pc.

attempting to cut those seems like youre fllirting with disaster

I would not DIY this. Contact MemoryFab or Spintech. They should be able to lend some help on the process

that said. I’ve split many sets of 3pc wheels for polishing and re-lipping. When I realized my SSRs were welded I lost all interest in refinishing them.

Is there anything beneficial to multi piece wheels? Or is it just for the bling factor?


the guy on Rotas

Everyone knows that Rotas are garbage and will fall apart and break when you look at them!


the guy on XXRs

there is no functional advantage while in use over a same spec one piece at this point. the big pro points are you can rebuild parts due to damage or wanting a different size. they also allow manufacturers to have standard parts they can build many options from. they’re also easier to manufacture, but possible with more labor.

the future: (oem grade and lower pricing, while stiffer):


Like other one piece monoblocks and welded two piece, they’re constructed from forged aluminum and not cast. Therefore, lighter and stronger material as well

Why are they welded together ? haha

If the wheels are any good I would find a way to cut em apart, otherwise I prob wouldn’t bother.

The cost of cutting them apart (whether it be time or money) plus the cost of having custom lips made is most likely a good chuck of the cost on a new set of wheels.

ill let you know when mine fall apart. Don’t hold your breath

12 lbs each and $350 for a set with tires, I’m not complaining

SSR, Work, Zauber, and many other JDM wheels either came welded or at some point were welded by refinishers. It isn’t that uncommon.

VRWheels may have other wider welded setups that your faces will bolt to that you could swap together, also.

Wrd, hope they are sweet wheels, I don’t have time for that either way though.

They’re SSR Vienna kreis, looked into the lips and it’ll cost me roughly the same if I just send them to VR, at this point im saying fuck it.

As for cutting, I was going to cut into the old lip since they’ll be garbage anyway after and I would only need to keep the barrels mint.