3 strikes you're out.

Can we make this a rule? 3 terrible threads posted in a row, lose ‘New Threads’ option for a month?

Count this as #1 for me.

i think this is actually a pretty good idea. would keep from having the cluster fuck of pointless threads each day

+1 Agreed

3 reposts and your out for a month.

^ What the hell, I cant Edit???

Anyhooo, how about this, three :piccard:in a week and your out? So sick of seeing that thing.


^ What the hell, I cant Edit???

Anyhooo, how about this, three :piccard:in a week and your out? So sick of seeing that thing.



^that too


^ What the hell, I cant Edit???




Anyhooo, how about this, three :piccard:in a week and your out? So sick of seeing that thing.



excellent idea :clap:




irony? (stupid overused fucking clap icon)

But there are people who never post good threads. They’d pretty much always be banned and… <light goes on over head>

Oooooh. So the plan is to get rid of the idiots. :tup:

This sounds like great idea. I am so sick of seeing stupid pointless threads on this forum

:clap: :picard:


This sounds like great idea. I am so sick of seeing stupid pointless threads on this forum



cry me a river

build a bridge

get over it


great idea except this doesn’t police itself… all of the ideas people have had lately are like the biggest pain in the ass for mods to try and implement…

The stupid pointless threads get moderated by the person being called a moron by all of NYspeed.

I say nay.




Edit no worky for me.


irony? (stupid overused fucking clap icon)


i meant get rid of the clap too, lol i should have been more specific


i meant get rid of the clap too, lol i should have been more specific


how hard is it to get rid of the clap? I have personally never contracted that shit.

EDIT: Hey look, an edit


irony? (stupid overused fucking clap icon)


Not as abused as the stupid :picard: