3 Xbox 360's in 1 Home.....FML amd xbox/linksys support!

Does anyone know if it is possible to have 3 xbox360’s in 1 home?
Has anyone done this?

PROBLEM: Only 2 xbox’s can sign into xbox live at 1 time. I can login if only 1 is logged in. then the other person cant. But if i dont login and the other two are already logged in, then it will not let me login in…

current setup…

Shitty time warner—> Belkin Router split 4 ways

  1. PC
  2. 360
  3. 360
  4. My Linksys router split in 2 ports > 1. PC 2. 360

Now yes i have 2 routers, but even when i bypass my router and directly connect the Belkin to my xbox(along with ports1-3, pc,360,360,360… it still doesnt work.

I called Microsoft one day and they said i need 1.5MB/sec to each xbox, so i called time warner who say i have enough internet to do what i am trying to do, and have seen people hook up alot of things at once…

We call Belkin, they say you cant do what we are trying to do because there is only 1 primary IP address and 1 Secondary and thats why it wont let me login more then 2 xbox’s.


I googled this and quickly found

“UPnP enabled LIVE compatible routers”


Thanks LZ, i was pretty tired when i wrote all that. Good thing is my router that i use(the 2nd router in Port 4 of 1st Router) Possibly has UPnP i just have to swap the router’s.

Post up results…

If you can’t get it working I might have a couple ideas.

Ok thanks will do! Ohh, and when i called linksys they said my router was out of warranty and inorder for them to help me i had to pay either $29.99 for this 1 time call or $59.99 for up to 6 calls in 1year… pretty gay!

lol most iv ever had going is 2 xboxes and 4 computers on lol

we have 3 xbox’s and 3 computers, but obv not all on at the sametime, but because each 360 apparently needs at least 1.5mb/per it wont let all 3 on, even though timewarner says we have enough, it must be the router killing the speed, ill swap to the linksys bc apparently it should have UPnP settings.

assuming its a WRT54G or a WRT54GS it does.
and i would guess thats what you have considering its one of the most popular linksys routers out there.

It’s not a bandwidth issue…Its a NAT issue…

Yeah, sry. Thats what microsoft was talking about, i’ll be home around 4:30pm ready to try to fix this problem. Hopefully just a router swap will do!


So all i did was switch the routers and it worked… so Linksys>Belkin!

im still going through the belkin for only my xbox360 which is kinda funny but it goes…

Timewarner interenet–>Linksys
#1. pc
#2. 360
#3. 360

#4.–> Belkin Port:
#2. pc

Another funny thing is how much faster the wifi is now since internet is directly connected to it. The linksys is up stairs now and i have better wifi then when it was downstairs 2 ft away from me lol

I would think Linksys has a better sessions with uPnP then Belkin. Also, are you doing routing on both the devices or is the belkin running as just a switch?

I didnt go into any setting once i switched them. works perfect though :tup: