300-page iPhone bill??

she is on my friends list

If she has a site dedicated to see her webcam that is attached to a baseball cap, she likes attention, sorry. Nothing wrong with that if that’s her personality, but that type of person doesn’t suit me. I like more low-key people.
Finding all of the sites related to her is as simple as a google sarch with her name in the search box. Also, she’s been featured on thepittsburghchannel.com the last two days.

so what you are saying is you and the rest of the pirates organization will never be famous?

she doesnt do it for attention she does it for self promotion.

Makes sense, however for those of us who would avoid the spotlight, self-promoting in a public manner without true marketable skills or experience other than trying to “Paris Hilton” her way to notoriety is craving attention. Not knocking it; just isn’t for me. And it doesn’t matter; she’ll never know who I am to piss on my opinion anyhow. If I was ever out-and-about, and saw her with her web cam walking around “self-promoting”, I’d walk the other way. And we’ll both live happily ever after.

Check this out…LIVE JUSTINE 24/7


she has a camera on her dash right now driving lmao

Is she a bar tender ? $200 she’ll suck some pecker.


what do i care about the pirates other than them signing my checks. i’ll agree with most of the crap people say about them. its bigger than them thou, its baseball

Lamest shit I have ever seen.

quote from her site

“Hi, I’m Justine and I am the internet. I work as a freelance designer / video editor and travel on occasion – join me!”

possibly the biggest AW there is, besides Darkstar.

Gypsy Whore, Nice…

I’ll fuck you till you hate me.

I could never hate you :love: :cuddle:


Unless she starts getting naked.

Couple of my old HS friends know her, and I remember seeing her in PTI.

Guess she’s getting her 15 minutes.

Yeah, that isn’t going to happen… very unfortunate.