300ZX NA -> TT Swap Countdown

The time is near.
I’ve booked off a week from work beginning Friday and I’m doing this swap from NA to TT. Everything should be good unless I find out that the compression in either of the cylinders on the front clip is too low.
It’s a big concern right now because I’ve read that the number 6 cylinder regularly runs down to about 90psi on these engines, but I still have a good 50/50 chance.

Anyway, It’s currently Tuesday night and my garage is open to this disaster

With the poor Datsun sitting there for the past 2 years. That will all change by this Friday.
I finally got it fired up last night and I’ll be tearing into the slop that is my Garage for the next few days. I’ll keep you all posted.

BTW, I built my Datsun in this garage. Now cats found a way to chew through the back door and are living in one of the back corners

this will be an epic story of great proportion…

I will aid you in your battle against those cats!

awww poor kitties

hahahaha just finished evicting the cats.
I blocked the hole in the back door so they can’t get in anymore and I removed their living area along with all the excrement that they’ve left behind.
When I was standing near the Cat Cottage, this cat started walking up like he was supposed to be there, then he stopped he saw me move. I started chasing him and he bolted.

Get me in on this… i’m good with cats. Man good luck with this swap, remmeber to throw up some pics i wanna see em.

Anyone is welcome to come. Three people already insisted they’ll be a part of this. Hanzzzzz, Blade, and dubv. Shorteaz doesn’t know it yet, but she’ll be here wrenching too :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m at Woodbine & 16th, near CG.
So if you wanna come by and chill, wrench a bit, or just to catch some cats you’re more than welcome.

I’m okay around engines, better around cats. Pm me your address and i’ll be sure to drop by, maybe with some beer or coolers too leftover from my afterprom.

haha are you sure you want me doin some wrenching …i might break some bolts :stuck_out_tongue: …then ill be costing you even more money haha

aww kitties …i love cats lol

YEAH!!! Underaged Drinking!!
I’ll PM you my address in a bit

Fine then don’t come :stuck_out_tongue:

:hmm I don’t think we got the idea that you like cats from your past post.

Hey, fellow highschool student…we just got back from 'say-guh, we only had 5 drinkers, 2 of which were casual drinkers… We finished 24L of Heinikken, and still have 12L left… :wink: If I can find the time to drop by, I’ll sure bring some.

I won’t be wrenching though, I’ll be the ‘team-clown’… Pat, pm me your address too… :R

oh shut up lol

when are you gunna be doin this…or rather when do you want ppl there

I’m starting Friday after I get home from work. So 6:05pm I get home, I should be setting up the car in the garage by 6:30pm - 7pm.
Then I’ll be working on it for a week straight. Should there be no hickups, I’ll be able to make it up to DJPyros weekend event (June 8,9,10). I’m crossing my fingers.
The only variable that I’m unsure of is the strength of those cylinders. I’m hoping I won’t have to pull a 12hour bottom end rebuild with honing, rings, and Crankshaft/connecting rod bearings. If that’s the case I’ll be pulling all nighters.
They ensured me that the compression numbers are all good, and the insides of the collectors looks normal (no oil deposits), but I’m unsure until I hook up the compression tester.

Wow, way to veer off topic

hahahaha TEAM-CLOWN???
You’re a friggin park bench you’re so mild.

Oye, like I’ve said, I’m a morning person. . . I need alcohol for any prolonged ‘night’ stuff… :smiley:

I’m a morning person that’s forced to be a night person, so I’m officially a midday person

I may pull by just to show my face and say what’s up/introduce myself considering you’re right across 16th. Won’t be of any help though, slight fracture of the ulna and slight tear of the medial collateral legament in the arm. Shifting gears is hard enough.

So maybe I’ll see you there.

Yeah man sure thing. You know where I live so feel free to drop by any time.

Some housecats are nocturnal…

(just thought i’d throw that out there…

hahahaha you guys seem to be interested in the cats.
Seriously, it’s free playing ground when you guys come by. Feel free to catch as many as you like.
These aren’t house cats, they’re wild cats

bbahhh forget the cats !! i wanna get dirty and break some bolts! woo hahaha