30th Anniversary T/As SUCK :)

well im pissed that i had the settings on the camera down to 640x480 :banghead:
…because these pictures looked sexy sexy on the camera. ugh.


i never was into the photography stuff…but i had some circuit city bux, and need one… its got a lot of cool do-dads on it. i turned down the picture quality last night because i only have a 32mb card… forgot to turn it back up. UGGGGG

they came out alot grainier than they were before. shitballs

photobuckets being gay with the resizing… heres a few more

does your camera suck THAT bad or did you play with filters?

Shit, that looks kinda cool like that. Third pic down is pretty hot :tup:

mad skillz


Dark grainy scary Halloween pix i get it…

i know my mullet is scared.

you painted pat’s car w/ rhino liner?

I dont see what sucks about the car…oooh or is that the funny sarcasm?

pretty cool looking, you should get it painted that way for real

yea the third pic is pretty nice. bill your car looks good pewter, but the blue lighting looks weird in the reflection. :stuck_out_tongue:

man did i lol…

and my personal fav is attached. i edited this one some. has that gran turismo look to it.

the background by the bus looks 300/jurrasic parkish…very nice.