LOTS of pictures. enjoy

PAUSE @ 10

PAUSE @ 10

PAUSE @ 10

i absolutley love this car. i hope u guys enjoy the pictures as much as i enjoyed taking them
LOTS of pictures. enjoy
i absolutley love this car. i hope u guys enjoy the pictures as much as i enjoyed taking them
looks good man
car color :tup:
good dish on the wheels :tup:
og jdmness :tup:
10 pics of relatively identical composition/angle/pose :tdown:
What kind of camera are you working with that you wish didn’t suck so bad? Minimal photoshop filtering could really make a couple of those shots with the dish look awesome. Just playing with the black levels and saturation seem to improve the quality of my photos with a basic point and shoot.
Snag the best raw image from each grouping and toy around in PS. :tup:
I fucking love that car.
I love those rear windows and you are taking that damn front plate off for wednesday evening.
Chris, I love that crazy, carburated little car!
Bitten by vintage motoring. Addicting, isn’t it?
Minty fresh :tup:
No offense, but its not the camera sucking that is making the pictures suck. Like was mentioned before, even some photoshop would help a lot of those. But photoshop can’t fix composition all that well…
And how about picking a few of the photos for the thread, and perhaps placing a link to the whole gallery somewhere else? I’m not a fan of the recent trend to post all 247 photos you shot in the thread.
beautiful car. the large 3/4 window on either side is very similar to an AE86, gotta love toyota coupe design heritage. i like your ride.
Solution: Buy my D40x.
its not always the camera, its the photographer a lot of times. I have nice camera, and my pictures still suck horribly
Nice car, i really like the wheels.
nice vintage man :tup:
shitty canon powershot Sd400 digital elph
thanks everybody. more pics to come in a bit. joe(91mr2), mark(superium), justin(in mark’s 83) and myself had a VERY busy day today