335 Crew

Ugh the no lsd kills me. It dosent bother you guys that much not to have it?

I’d rather have it, but even without it the 335 is a pretty well rounded car.

Well i will see this weekend I guess. If the dealer is willing to give a good deal on the car and my trade I might have one this weekend! :eekdance:

It’s true, I was amazed at how well they handled without it. That being said, I refuse to buy a car without an LSD. I just like burnouts to much. shrug

Good luck. Going to Towne?

Yea I am more or less just going to try to look past that because i also like burnouts wayyyy too much so if I pick one up ill just bite the cost of the LSD I guess.

Still working on it, lol.

Hopefully by next summer.

Nah I live in Seattle so im checking the three dealers we have out here.

Great deals if you can find a leftover 08.

Yea I keep hearing about them but I swear the dealers here so far have been a joke to deal with. A few weeks ago I tried to buy a 2003 M5 I was in love with and I couldnt even get the dealer into a reasonable price range. The dealer im going to this weekend is a different one so I hope they are better to deal with.

buffalo guys driving these in the winter?

Fix something or upgrade?

I’m just curious what the issues are with these cars, if any.

Some are. I would with some nice snows.

It’s a modern BMW, why wouldnt you?

Altho i would seriously consider a base 135i at euro delivery invoice.

I think you will start seeing more 335s next year once the price dips into the 20s and becomes more affordable for the average nyspeeder. Look at all the E46s on the forum now.

I like my awd with snows :slight_smile:

in before 335xi comment.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Cars-Trucks___GORGEOUS-2008-BMW-M5-SMG-NO-RESERVE_W0QQitemZ190260541744QQddnZCarsQ20Q26Q20TrucksQQddiZ2282QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item190260541744&_trkparms=39%3A1|65%3A7|240%3A1318&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245 :burnout:

I was just running an old beta map. Loaded a new map and did a few tweaks on the torque table after data logging with Jeller. Only issue some people encounter is throwing CELs if boost spikes too much at 5500ish. I was dialed way back, but now it is running great.

+1 me too…

im in the 335 crew. 335 tires that is :stuck_out_tongue: