350zed vs s2k vs XXX . . . opinions?

pros and cons of each car since you guys have them?
what do you like? what do you dislike?

along with other people that have them too, give me some info :smiley:

s2000ā€™s are fun cars to drive. But why pick one up if you are getting a 335 as well, then you have a summer car that is 1/3 the price of your daily(assuming you would drive the 335 all year). And the s2000 is not even something that cool like a Triumph or Austin Healy would be for a cheap summer roadster.

G35ā€™s are for dudes with new hair cuts. 350zā€™s are japanese mustangs that donā€™t do nearly as hairy burnouts.

e36 M3ā€™s arenā€™t the best looking but are a BLAST to drive, they are like the s2000. And they are cheap.

I would have to say though, either get a hairy burnout machine mustang for way cheap, or just get right into the 335. If you are getting a 335 coupe save the extra 200lb and get a 135. I think the 335 isnā€™t that great looking, the 135 has a timeless bimmer look, kinda like an e30.

keep the evo lolā€¦or g35 just sexy beasts

You say ā€˜zedā€™ you donā€™t spell it.

i love my S2000

some things id say is that is an awesome driving car, i love it stock, you turn a lot of heads in it. Yes the interior is small and you cant keep things in it, but that way you kep the car cleaner. yes it only has to seats (awesome) you dont have to drive your friends everywhere when you go places.

S2K mike

Iā€™m in the same thought process as you. I keep dumping money to have a fast car when I donā€™t really use it except to mess around occasionally. Have you thought about an Acura TSX? I have taken a liking to those recently

I have taken my car to the track when it was stock and it was a lot of fun. Ive taken it to the track with 8k in mods and its a lot of fun. I love driving it on the street because its zippy and its a head turner. I dont like when im on the thruway going 80 and im at 4000 rpm. I also dont like the fact that stock motor you get spanked by almost anything when doing pulls on the highway. With all that being said i think its great all around no matter what your intensions are when buying it. Its fun to beat on around town, and fun as a track car with little to no changes that need to be made.

exactly, keep the evo. you know thats my opinion already

Why dont you just make your evo more fun to drive?

Or get a better paying jobā€¦ or work more?

you will just have to test drive bothā€¦ i mean ive driven zā€™s and the frist time i hit 9k in my s2000 during the test drive i signed the papers right after that lolā€¦

lol, none of these will happen. we have discussed this

you shut your mouth sansone!
it will happen
i had someone come look at the evo today =)

this is such a horrible idea


liesā€¦ i was with youā€¦ he had other purposes for being there lol

why do you have to chime in and always be a douche???

i say keep the evo mikeā€¦why get rid of the ā€œmiracleā€ for a different car?

what is a 350zed anyways?

I vote Z (Zed) As a dd, its got enough room to be comfortable, theyā€™re smooth and relatively quite, and they dont sound like a silly 4cyl. I like estwokays, but for DD duty my vote goes to the Z. Plusā€¦


i think its stupid to get rid of the evo when its perfectly fine, just daily the evo its an awd car for christ sakes.

i myself on the other hand have looked into a white 350z/g35, i have to say the only thing on the car i dont like is the yellow dash lights
