350zed vs s2k vs XXX . . . opinions?

so im getting a bit bored of my evo and i am looking for another car to drive
had the evo for 2 years, all payed off, and id like to switch to something else to drive for a bit
my plan at the moment is selling my car, buying a cheaper daily, looking to spend around 10k or so, bank some cash and do some saving, and when the time comes around purchase something nice, along the lines of a 335 or something like that

so anyways im debating what kind of car i should get to daily
i am currently considering an s2000 or a 350z
both of which i could pick up for around 10k which would give me a prime amount of cash to bank once i sell my evo
i plan on keeping the cars pretty much stock, just looking to do things such as suspension and wheels, possibly some minor modding such as an intake/exhaust and stuff like that

looking for opinions and preferences on the two cars
also looking for other other opinions for other cars

for the poll, select an explain please
ill leave the option for an “other” for something else i could rock as a daily

any input would be appreciated, thanks :smiley:

i love the S. there not to expensive, built tough, can be driven to cruise with the top down, etc

I have a soft spot for 350z.
I love the sound of them with long tubes…
They have come down a bunch in price.
Not the fastest or best handling but I <3

I loled.

I have a lot of fun with my car. They are pretty inexpensive now and for the money you cant really beat it. Its fun to drive on the street, Fun to drive on the track, and in my opinion very sexy.


350z, you will hate the lack of power in the s2000 coming from a modded evo

More like lack of torque, but they’re pretty close in performance.

I liked my S2000 a lot and that was coming from a corvette, but def missed the low end power. One thing to keep in mind is that the interior is VERY small on the S2000 and there is a little more comfort in the 350Z. IMO you should just get a G35 and forget about having a junker car. It seems like a good balance of performance and comfort and you don’t have to waste money on something else.

If you’re stuck on the 350 vs S2000…think about it this way. If you’re going to do a lot of track events with this car, get the S2000. If you’re not 350Z for the road. You can drive the 350z/g35 platform in the winter better then you could the S2000…don’t know if you would either way, but just thrownin that out there.

I just picked up a G35 a few months ago and i love the car. good amount of power, great styling, somewhat luxo, and its somewhat different.

I’d say G35 as well, but if that doesn’t interest you than the 350Z.

350 vert

Trade your car in for a 335. Pretty sure there is 0% out there on CPO 2007 335i’s right now, that’s better than “banking and saving some prime amount of cash”.


nuff said http://vimeo.com/5785438

and then you can buy headers and other shit from ginger

M3 E36

considering, im looking at some right now

lack of power doesnt really bother me
i have a modded evo but i dont ever really use the power that much i mean ill go fast here and there
but id rather have something nice to daily around town

i hate convertibles, unless its a s2k
i just dont like how it ruins the body lines imo

considered, but trading my car in wouldnt get my close to what it is worth
mitsu would only give me around 17 for my evo, bmw would most likely give me less, and private party is still 23

other issue my current income would be just enough to pay a monthly bill which would leave me with zero spending money and there is no sense to having a car i cant afford to put gas in
my figuring is if i save up for around a year or so, the pricing will come down on a cpo 335i and put it right in my range of affordable with having cash left over

meh not a fan, i prefer e46 over e36, but i dont want to spend that much money on a car

sounds super sexy :tup:

Ughhhhhh such a tough call…but i’d prob have to say Z just because i’m bias :stuck_out_tongue:


Also…350Z/G35 exhaust note >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any 4 banger. Such a great sound…

miata bc they are fun and cheap mike :slight_smile:

no miatas for a daily, maybe a track whore, but thats about it

Based on your math, if you can’t afford the $290 a month that you will pay for a CPO BMW after your trade in, saving for a year to get a little over $3K in not really gonna help your cause, especially considering the trade in tax discount of $1600. Stick with what you have.


scratch what i said, my math was off and i was figuring something out differently then what it really is
terribly sorry :picard: