370z's new SyncroRev Match transmission

When you downshift, it uses the ABS sensors to read the speed of the tires, compares that data to the speed of the engine and the gear being selected, and then actuates the electronic throttle to bring the revs up to the appropriate level. It does all that faster than a human driver could, guaranteeing perfectly rev-matched downshifts every time. This means that, as long as you know how to drive a stick, you’ll look like and sound a heroic racecar driver every time you get behind the wheel.

So what do you think? I like the challenge of heal toe, but man I’d love to have the option to just let the car do it for me so I could concentrate more on proper braking. Nissan gives you the best of both worlds because you can disable the feature with the press of a button. In this day of silly flappy paddle transmissions, bluetooth, ipods, homelinks, idrives and all the other garbage “advances” it’s nice to see someone add a cool new feature to the traditional manual that “drivers” can enjoy.

very cool :tup:

thats pretty awesome actually

is it just me or did the video have no sound?

:tup: Very Cool

Is this another Nissan item that won’t be covered if you use it??

It’s pretty cool IMO. I just don’t know if I see it being entirely useful. As soon as I see one on a dealer lot though, I am gonna test drive it. If I swing up in the Z they will probably be willing to let me test drive.

The more I read about this the more I want it in my car.

big plus for me considering I cant do it properly between the size of my feet and the small footwell of a 240

I would just be worried about long term reliability since I tend to keep my cars longer than the average person

The more I watch that video, the less I want to be called a “Nissan Enthusiast.”

lol, who were those 17 year old chumps they interviewed? :roflpicard:

I saw someone mention heal toe and automatic transmission…


Yeah, they were pretty bad. I was more interested in watching the tach and listening to the engine in the vid.

Love the challenge, but that is a very cool idea.

ehhhh, i like driving.not being driven

you can disable it silly

I wonder if if can tell how many gears you are going to drop of if you can only drop one gear for it to blip correctly?

really cool regardless

video says that it will look at what gear your in and what gear you’re going to.

Wow… this is great. Many thumbs up to Nissan for attempting these amazing innovations at affordable prices.

Unfortunately, the key word is attempting. I hope this works out better than the launch control in the GT-R

I’m not sure why so many people are comparing this to the GT-R’s launch control, unless they just like bandwagon gayness.

Let’s see, launch control on a high HP AWD car. So it lets me rev it up and dump the clutch, with all that traction of AWD sending god only knows how much impact into the transmission and driveline. Yeah, that sounds pretty bad for the car.

Rev matching. It blips the throttle on a downshift so the downshift is as smooth as silk. No driveline shock like you would get with a traditional downshift without revmatching. Sounds better for the car than NOT doing it.

Let’s stick to the discussion of this feature and not drag the GT-R wars into another thread.


my SMG trans does rev matching by itself… its always fun to go bombing into an off ramp and here it blipping the throtttle on downshifts…