3g eclipse oil leak

well, my wife’s car (2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS) is leaking oil. the oil is all over the oil filter, but its a brand new filter and i’m sure its not the filter. Could it be the sending unit? Its really tough to see in there. Does anyone know of any common oil leak problems with these cars?

BTW its out of warranty

maybe the rubber seal on the filter is leaking. I could not be sealed due to dirt or not tightened enough.

when u put on the new oil filter,did u leave the old o’ring on it?

i don’t think i did, but i’ll pull the filter off and check

should always lube up the new o’ring

and wipe off the sealing surface.

nope, filter is fine… there is fresh oil on the bottom half of the timing cover though… this doesn’t look good.

duh… changing oil 101… i always do this

you’d be suprised. Guess thats why they put directions on the box! :spank:

its all good man… i would hope everyone on this site would know to do that.

not sure i have the v6 :dunno:

check to see if the Oring from the old filter is still sticking to the block

i had that happen once before, 2 Orings interfering with each other

i just had 1 leaking oil but it was from the valve cover probley not related yo your problem

valve cover was loose, i think it solved the problem