3rd '07 Track Day - September 14th!

I do have off the 14th, but that day or anything later works for me, I just can’t do the 31st.

I could only do the 31st, but that date isn’t looking strong in the polls.

Money sent, and as soon as we set a definite date, I’ll know if my dad is running again.


Added a paid list to the first post :tup:

need to confirm a day before I can pay.



need to confirm a day before I can pay.




how lame… the price is SOOO cheap…


Not enought road surface for bikes. Too skinny on some of the turns, especially 1-2. Since they repaved it, I thought it would have been sufficient, but :shrug:

did you guys lock down the 14th yet?


did you guys lock down the 14th yet?


The poll is still going, and no date will be “locked down” until we get enough people (20?) to pick a date and they commit to paying.

and you won’t get enough people unless you lock down a date… lol…

please lock a date so i can pay…

$50 again?


and you won’t get enough people unless you lock down a date… lol…


Exactly. 2 of the other dates are impossible for me so I’m not paying until I know when we’re going.


and you won’t get enough people unless you lock down a date… lol…


Obviously you didn’t read Josh’s post about when the money would be due. We will lockdown a date when we have enough people to warrant a trackday and have enough time to get the money paid up. We can’t lock a date and then risk not having enough people. (Josh already said as much :picard: ) If there is not enough interest soon enough, then there will be no 3rd day.


Such flawed logic. Josh lock down the 14th as it’s clearly winning, then take deposits on this to see how close we are. Taking deposits doesnt mean we have to reserve the day, if we dont get enough, we dont go, easy enough.

Yes, please go with the 14th so these whiners stop crying about having to shell out a small fortune and not knowing the date.

Good for the 31st or 28th. The 14th would be tough and 21st can’t do.


Such flawed logic. Josh lock down the 14th as it’s clearly winning, then take deposits on this to see how close we are. Taking deposits doesnt mean we have to reserve the day, if we dont get enough, we dont go, easy enough.


The logic isn’t flawed. He said “pay now, if we don’t go I’ll refund”. So that’s exactly what you just said.

The problem here is, people don’t READ. :picard:

You want a date locked, then VOTE and PAY UP. :ham:

Very simple.
