Ahhhhhhh, yes I had thoughts of taping it myself from the green machine :lol: But I guess it should be mentioned anyway, because the same people who cant read the word “cruise video” might not notice that my car was being driven and they wouldnt have understood the camera situation as you did.
But I dont allow any fights to go on at WNYfbody, that can be reserved for real life or ubrf where it belongs. And as Jeeves said, on a local board, what is said here is the same as saying it to someones face or by phone, except that they want to be a chicken and avoid the repercussions.
Irregardless, had any of their imports been fast, it would have been in the cruise video, so I dont see what the discussion is about. The fast good looking cars that were involved in the cruise and not driving erratically were represented, sounds like a good cruise vid to me.