4-9-06 Como Park Badazz Cruise Video

Wow you showed badazz hate imports. Thats like saying the sky is blue. Who didnt know that already?

And no, not everyone has that same opinion on wnyfbody.

And how exactly is that any different then the imports on here and every other import forum that bitches about domestics and how much they hate them?

Side note, mark you really need to stop letting bill video tape.

dude…you’ve had 6 posts so far, all pointless, and i’ve had over 600 pointless posts so far, and you’ve already generated more flamage than i ever have…nice accomplishment

No, I proved to J&J that WNYFBody is not

I DID give the camera to someone else. Despite my many abilities, I cant video tape from Chucks car while driving my own at the same time. I can only work with what I start with.

By all means someone show me where the CRUISE video section of this site is, and I’ll post it there. Otherwise, it went here. If you cant read CRUISE in the title, your illiteracy doesnt concern me. If you dont like the video, try having something interesting enough to be taped and maybe you will end up in a video you like. This vid was for people who didnt get to the cruise or didnt get to see my footage of their car being there, and I havent gotten any complaints for those that are in it.

Proving that I hate imports is like saying the sky is blue, except that sometimes the sky isnt blue, so I guess it isnt a good enough description. The point is, I didnt post it here, and I didnt post it towards anyone on wnyfbody, so there wasnt hate on anyone in particular.
I stand behind that opinion 100% though, and will say it to anyone that asks. Ive yet to have someone tell me why they have a problem with it… unless they were hiding behind a keyboard.

umm… so which car is quicker, cause that is all that really matters.

SC Hawk or TT Viper?

Simple question, and the answer is known by atleast 4 people on this site. I just want to find a spot on their sack.

I meant to say someone else other than the kid you gave it to. I knew you weren’t responsible for that. Shit, I bet you could have taken better footage than him while driving your car!

I wasn’t trying to make some great revelation about your views toward imports - like you’ve said, everyone knows it and if they don’t, they can tell just by hanging around you.

But hate is hate, and since the hate recently and in this thread was toward f-Bods in general (which Chuck, and J&J were referring to), I rebutted with a general, (ie, not directed toward any one person) hate comment toward imports. Even ground IMO.

But if more people on this site had reading comprehension skills, and understood that the internet doesn’t matter in real life, I think all of these types of arguments could be avoided… although I know that will never happen. :ham:

its pretty much an even matchup untill Chuck runs out of gear , in which teh viper takes over cuz its geared to go to or close to 200 whereas chucks maybe 140

id add my opinion but i may be criticized for driving an fbody , u know one of those mullet having asshole drivers, cummon u guys and ur stereotypes are pathetic…

chucks car should go faster than 140, if not, he should be quicker @ the track :stuck_out_tongue:

Im sure Badazzs and others hate for imports is MORE then evenly matched by people on this forum who hate GM and rant about it constantly.

So you’re friends with badass again? I thought your friend spot was filled by jeeves? :gotme:


So im right and you try to change the subject?

I dont know anyone who actually HATES any domestics, beyond aestetic shit. I think its ignorant to “hate” imports. Fucking lets hate on good gas mileage and affordable cars. now THAT makes sense!


This is mostly a performance board…not who gets the best gas mileage or how affordable the new base model KIA is…

Ok, ok, KIAs are a different story.

It’s no fun to argue with someone who won’t comprehend what I write here anyway, so I won’t bother. I can have a conversation with badass that both of us understand, but I’ve tried that with you and it doens’t work.

But I will say that next to terrorism, cancer and Buffalo weather, the other thing that everyone here can agree to hate on is you sherm. :wave:

yea this doesn’t happen often but i agree with sherm on this one… that was a poor arguement lol

Seriously, i dont know where you people get that from, but the shit you do and say online does effect real life. If not for the fact that this is a local board and you see just about everyone at some point or another, which would be the same as me calling your cell phone and living messages saying you suck ass, because hey, its just a phone call, its not real life. Also the fact that people are being arrested and charged with crimes, fired from their jobs, etc. because of things they say online or pictures they post. So ya, internet does matter in real life.

Ahhhhhhh, yes I had thoughts of taping it myself from the green machine :lol: But I guess it should be mentioned anyway, because the same people who cant read the word “cruise video” might not notice that my car was being driven and they wouldnt have understood the camera situation as you did.

But I dont allow any fights to go on at WNYfbody, that can be reserved for real life or ubrf where it belongs. And as Jeeves said, on a local board, what is said here is the same as saying it to someones face or by phone, except that they want to be a chicken and avoid the repercussions.

Irregardless, had any of their imports been fast, it would have been in the cruise video, so I dont see what the discussion is about. The fast good looking cars that were involved in the cruise and not driving erratically were represented, sounds like a good cruise vid to me.

Well then that’s where we think different. Call me an asshole online, and I don’t care. Insult my car, make of car or anything I’ve done to it and I still don’t care. I’m not going to meet you in person and say “OMG that faggor said my car was a POS in teh interweb!” My car isn’t my life. The internet isn’t my life. I only judge people by how they act and treat others in person.


I hope some of the n000bs have learned something today :slight_smile:

lol… I don’t think being in the vid should have anything to do with anything.

I guess the more vids you appear in the more cool gooder you are?:tdown:

I think the more quality you appearance adds to the vid the better addition you are to it.