4-9-06 Como Park Badazz Cruise Video

Now I feel the love. I knew it was out there :slight_smile:

UGH PAINFUL…(you know what I am talking about)

PS Badazz loves my Import

i just checked to make sure this vid still sucks. it does.

I’m waiting for the second one with a race in it?

Note - Newman starting shit after the thread has died.

For those that didn’t see it, that was 3rd and 4th gear right before we shut down.

There will hopefully be another race soon.

I just watched this movie for the first time.
this is what I thought during the video:

  1. waste of gas
  2. too many cheeseburgers

HAHAHA JANNY YOU ROCK. I want to meet you.

would you expect anything less?

EDIT - but, please note, i have made 0 personal attacks. I’d just like to point that out.

EDIT 2 - camaros suck.

whats with the sig?
who would possibly do something like that?

Newman thinks there is a big V8 conspiracy against him. He is a little miffed since he is the perverbial “Ghandi” of online car forums. I am baffled as well as to all this hatoraid. When you want a shoulder to cry on, newman is always there. When your car won’t start and you have no one to turn to, newman is there. When you are listening to the latest radio-follower-commerical-popular-likedbymorethan500people music and you want to share this with someone, who is there to chit-chat?? That’s right, newman is. Who is there to go to the strip club with you when all your homies are home with their possesive girlfriends?? newman. Who is there to go eat a 32oz medium rare steak and a tall glass of milk with you when your friends are being dicks? newman. And when you are bored and your friends think you are pathetic because all you want is some Rainbow Bright-Easy Bake Oven-Barbie Doll pussy, who is there to cruise around the local HS with you? newman is… He is, the coolest, bestest, smartest, tallest, cleanest awesomest and sweetest dood ALIVE!! :wink:


LOL at all the F-Bod haters…everyone is just jealous because they have atleast two less cylinders!!!

But on a serious note I dont understand the hate between domestics and imports…I like both and have owned both…I just dont understand why people just can’t give others props on each other cars wether domestic or import???

everyone sucks at life thread over


Hahha, it’s the simple fact that there will always be conflict… If everyone got a long it would be a fucking boring place. As cool as sucking each other’s dicks is, it gets old and as much as we’d like to deny it, we thrive on drama. Obviously there are people who take things a bit too far, but you are always going to have that, regardless. These are all facts of life so you’d best roll with it.


This is one of the worst threads I’ve ever read…

First off, I can not believe some people here think the fucking internet affects their lives. Holy fucking shirts and pants. Sad to hear that…

And whomever complains about imports soiling our market and taking our jobs…that’s just hilarious. Both Hondas I’ve owned (built in 1989 and 1990, respectively) were built in America. There are so many imports built here, it’s ridiculous. Yet I don’t here peeps complaining about some domestics now built in Mexico. Haha, pretty good biases eh?

Not that I care. I really don’t care where something is built (slave labor aside). But I’ll be god damned if I am going to buy an inferior product just bec. it’s “made in amerika.” Talk about making a dumb fucking decision…

Let me make it clear for anyone refusing to believe it: The best cars in the world today are NOT made in america. And they haven’t been either, for prob. the last 35 years (really since imports started arriving on our shores. Japanese companies (namely Honda and Toyota) have redesigned what an automobile is/should be. The bars they have set from a technological and overall feel and quality of a good car are unprecedented. Everyone else can do nothing but hang their hats to them in the meantime.

This post is not meant to offend anyone in-particular, and if it does, then reread it, and learn something I guess. I don’t really care. The internet doesn’t rule my life…

newman aint scared of shit. f’real :kiss:

this is some faggot shit right here

you should all be ashamed