4-9-06 Como Park Badazz Cruise Video

:tup: to the quick vipers and firehawk. you guys build nice cars…i cant wait until i have a real job and run stage 6+ on the viggen. it wont completely keep up with you guys, but it will be fun. nice work.

…vid, egh, continue the race and it will be good tho. i want to see viper spoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolage

lol newmans cool in person just an ass on the net you should know that by now. the video was definately over exposed though, not bad but MORE CONTENT! heh.

good vid cant wait to see continuation u snky bastards! A birdy told me who won tho:)

Newman can I ask you a Q? Were you molested when you were a child or did you get bullied in highschool? Or both?

That camera is only used for night footage :snky: so I’ll see what I can do on future vids to clear it up. Either way I had to have Turbo LS1 tape most of it, as I was driving my car, so he did well for his 2nd time using it. I just had to edit a bit more than usual because of the circumstances

Looking forward to organizing a 2nd cruise with the viper guys and getting in all of the runs me and lowboost would like to make :tup:

frickin jeebus! he made one comment about a truly poor video. it lacked the essential park of a kill vid. a kill. the cars were cool, the music sucked, the music ruined the video. wtf do u have to leghump newman like this all the time. i love how you complain of people leghumping him when he gives you the biggest internet erection of anyone. gtfo it you toolbag

take ur BS somewhere else, keep it out of every freakin thread

to much teaser for part one…deff work on shootin some better quality, although it may be a night camera, it is a day shot lol…finally, finsh the second part!

post up the race vid

I like you…my new goal this year is to take out every subaru that races and post videos :tup:

Some may consider it a waste of gas on my part…but oh well…

:tup: on the Vid

he doesnt owna a subaru any more he owns a saab.

The traffic was too congested to actually get a good run in. The last pull in the video is where we both were into it. If the dumbass driver in the honda (which you don’t see in (this) video) wasn’t in the way the whole time, i probably would have been able to get in the other lane for some better footage. It went from about 55-130 before we had to shut down.


to the morons who are saying BORING, its a CRUISE vid, not a street race vid. try reading. 2nd/3rd grade level. i think it was done pretty well.

OMG, now that you pointed this out, it’s not boring at all. HOLY SHIT I CAN’T STOP WATCHING IT! This vid is amazing.


its a night only camera? first ive heard of that. usually its just a setting you can turn off.

heh you got that music from nfsu2 you bum… :stuck_out_tongue:

wtf? :confused:

i knew i saw this video somewhere else before…


The hate is thick in here.

Hahaha holy shit.