4 Dead in Long Island

Kind of surprised this wasn’t mentioned already…
A 17 year old “brainiac” given a 2011 Subaru Impreza ( I think an STI) as a gift for graduating school early, killed his 4 friends the other day. He only had a Learners Permit and they were out at 3:30am. Ironically they crashed at an area the locals called Dead Mans Curve. The car went in to some trees at a high rate of speed and broke in two pieces. Somehow the driver escaped with non life threatening injuries, all 4 of his friends were dead at the scene. A bystander said the bodies looked like “rag dolls”

What a complete waste, 4 dead and another one’s life pretty much ruined. Just can’t figure out what the parents were thinking in giving an inexperienced driver a car like that. As well as letting him go off with with 4 friends in the car without having a license. Not really trying to take the responsibility here off of the driver but, I think there were plenty of dumb ass decisions made all around. The parents of the driver, the 4 passengers for going with him, their parents for not knowing (or caring) where they were, and of course the driver. Kind of the “Perfect Storm” for a tragedy

Poor families…

(IB4KKR) Condolences to the families, can’t even imagine.


Personally I think it had less to do with the type (or power) of car that was given to the kid than the common misconception that you can’t get yourself into trouble on a AWD car with all the e-nanny enabled, and when you do the even more tragic misconception that you cannot be killed in one that has enough air bags.

2 trackdays with that car and common sense, the kid may have saved his 4 friends. Sadly 4.0 GPA in school doesn’t necessary mean a 4.0 GPA in common sense…

He and mustang kid should be put in the same jail cell together

Really unfortunate event that could’ve been avoided.

I know that curve… a buddy of mine rolled an SRT 300C on that curve racing a Lambo at some retarded speed and managed to survive.

“Its not how fast the car is that matters it’s self control”.

Sincerely, the rest of Shift.

So then why should people start out on a ninja 250?

Never, the faster the vehicle the better.

Provides plenty material to post about in the future.

Plenty young kids drive fast cars responsibly. Plenty people kill others in economy cars. Don’t lose sleep overanalyzing it because you didn’t have a nice car or have fun with your buddies when you were a kid. Rip

I dont over analyze much at all. Its easier to pull the “Dude was a dumb fuck” card for 99% of all the “tragic” accidents we read about. Parents were dumb for pampering the kid with a $40K high performance sports car as a gift at that young age. Parents were dumb for not monitoring the kid and his friends under their roof. Kid was dumb for the obvious reasons.


Shitty deal i feel bad for the parents and others affected

Is what it is.