Take it to the track...

Yea, I know you dont want to hear this shit, but it’s getting really old.

Mother and daughter killed from a street racer.


Truly sad, and devastating. I know I couldn’t live with myself.



its a stock eclipse, just looks llike a stupid speedin kid to me

Fast and the Furious kills again. :frowning:

Was a Camaro and Eclipse racing, the Eclipse side swiped the other car and the Camaro driver got away. Police have identified him though.

He is getting double murder charges.

so a camaro was racing a junk 3g eclipse… idiots.

and murder? or vehicular homicide?


Bunch of ass holes

A 20-year-old man is facing second-degree murder charges in the deaths of three people killed in a crash on Highway 49 Saturday

Yup, just read it. Stupid…:idiots

ahh didnt notice the link…oh boy…

edit. eclipse boy is getting wet butt hole…

Cant wait till they get whats coming to them

I bet they were PR’s

sounds like a lack of common sense

He doesn’t look PR. :rofl

I know most of you dont give a shit, but if it changes one persons mind I suppose it was worth something.

We all speed, I just dont get these kids who drive 100mph in traffic.

Who won?

No srsly, that’s not funny.

why is a 20 year old whipping around with a 13 and 11 year old?

People should give a shit but probably wont regardless. Some people wouldnt give a shit ever after they did something like this.

It def sucks, thats why i am pretty smart about my buisness on the street. Myself and the car im running, no one else. So if someone dies, its me.

its all common sense, a lot of people have none, done run if there is a lot of cars around

Quoted for :retardclap