408 HP, 93 oct. Dave's Evo VIII

I pushed 25-26psi on my Cavy last season on 93 octane man… Went to 28psi on a 110/93 mix. No knock was present at all and I could have went further if my injectors wouldn’t have maxed… this season shooting for 30-32ish :slight_smile: BTW sorry for thread jacking guys…

I’m responding to alpha earl when he said at 26psi he would make 600whp. If he can, it might be due to the fact hondas generally have much better headflow and can peak higher?!! :gotme:

I’m not sure why Honda guys dont go for alot of pump gas power, they might be capable, maybe alot of the tuners are afraid to push a customer car far becuase we all know how honda people drive? :mamoru::mamoru:

Then again, I’ve also seen Respected “pro” tuner maps that are just absolutely horrible. That could probably be another reason alot of tuners are afraid to go far on pump for a customer.

I’m just throwing ideas out…

If anyones capable of making a high powered pump tune, thats still safe and conservative, Emery would defiantly be that guy; even proven by this dyno video and Dave daily driving this problem free beast.

Hell, the car was fast before, trapping 121, with less power.

well instead of trying to insult me or honda (which really doesnt bother me), you could have mentioned what you thought the reasoning was

instead you just point out facts that were already stated, i was actually looking for what emery (someone who actually knows what they are doing) thought of this. im sure this particular car is putting out closer to 500 on a dynojet especially if it was trapping 121 before

ive seen people push over 20psi on 93 oct, but usually its in combination with meth and im wondering if it has something to do with knock characteristics leading the evo/dsm to be less prone to knock or just the fact that most honda heads will flow more so less boost is needed and the power is the limiting factor and not psi

I was just making a stupid poke at ricers, simmer down there. My friend has a built turbo s2000, I know there are a good number of fast respectable hondas. I was just adding alittle humour.

I also pointed out there are probably a good number of tuners incapable and/or afraid to get aggressive with customer car pump tunes. Hence they result in weak pump gas numbers.

And mr. smith had a good point in response when you said

i wouldnt even think about going over 20psi on 93 even with 8.5:1 compression

How do you know your cars incapable of going over 20psi on pump? Have you had a capable person push the car on pump gas, or do you just think 20psi is too much based on too much honda-tech reading…where people who don’t always know what they are talking about state wrong info like its a fact. You get that in your head, but in reality, how are you sure thats too much? In capable hands maybe your car has alot of pump gas power in it, but if you set a goal of 20psi you’ll never go higher to see. :gotme:

Please elaborate…