4th gear

i was told by a guy at monroe when getting my inspection done that (i do not know if any of this is true)

  1. i dont have tranny fluid cuz its a manul
  2. my throw out bearings are prolly shot
  3. ill need a new clutch if thats the problem

DSM tranny will not pop out of gear from low fluid level. A manual trans can pop out of gear under normal load from a number of issues. Seeing as this trans has 200k plus on it I’m gonna have to go with high mileage wear combined with driving it with that problem we already discussed. Aka the 5th gear retainer nut comes loose and shifts the whole gearset around. Being as it was driven so long like with the gear set shifting I’m thinking there was damage done.

Trans need replace or rebuild at this point sorry bud.

link to gearset movement fix incase anyone cares to know what I was talking about and already explained to Derek and Dave. http://www.geocities.com/qwik93awd/Vfaq/shifter.htm

that guy should be wearing a helmet, and riding a short bus to group home meetings.

the throwout bearing has nothin to do with popping out of gear.
along with the clutch.
get a bottle of synchromesh, bring it with to midas, have the guy read the label and tell him hes on drugs, then take the car somewhere else and tell them to check the fluid.

ok so how much does it cost to have a tranny rebuilt? or is it cheaper to buy a new one?

in your case, its prolly cheaper to just buy a new one…

I wouldnt even bother, unless you do it yourself.

Talk to cky89 steve, I sold his friends 3 transmissions a while ago and doubt they ever got the car together. 1 of the trans was great, 1 could use a rebuild and 1 had a broken shift fork. I think I sold all 3 for 150.

alright will do

will a tranny from an awd work for my car even though its front wheel drive?


Yes, I did that swap, but you will need to take the end cover off the tranny and install a viscous coupling eliminator. I thought it was an easy job

The best mod you can do is sell your DSM, but I guess all cars have problems


and now much money did you actually receive vs. how much you sold them for?

Just saw this… received all the money. Steve would never attempt to screw me. so stfu and stop trying to spread drama.