so the girl comes home complaining that the GSR is popping out of 5th when she hits bumps… I haven’t taken it for a spin yet… but what could this be? tranny problem, clutch related or more like bushing?
back of the trans, its like a 17mm stubby bolt, pull it out and stick your finger in, you suppose to fill the trans until it starts to leak out that hole, so you should feel fluid.
Not sure if this applies to hondas too, but its something to think about.
My talon used to pop out of 5th gear. It popped out by itself like 10 times until 5th gear finally exploded and blew its way out of the end case on the trans. I researched it, and was told that the 5th gear nut that holds the gear in place became loose. An easy way to tell, is to keep your car in a gear like 3rd of 4th, hit the gas, and if the shifter moves forward and backwards without touching it, then the gear sets need to be re-torqued.
So every now and then, i pull the end case off the trans, and retorque 5th gear with the trans still in the car.