5% Discount w/Snow Tires?!

heyy guys, I was wondering if any of you have called up your insurance companies with your winter beaters and told the ones that actually give a 5% discount with equipped snow tires, that you have snow tires equipped but mainly if you actually don’t…you think they’d find out if you said you did just to get that discount and you didn’t have them?:confused:

Thanks for any input or experience on this…

…and then when you get into an accident without them, good luck finding insurance again.

+1 what martino said lol, fyi 5% is shit all unless you have a pretty high premium!

its true

What I find hilarious is that my insurance company gave me a discount because I told them I have winter tires which I dont and I suspend my coverage over winter as well and they dont say shit lol…

^^ heh same situation

except i actually do have winter tires… but the car is in storage / suspended anyway

i have winters and i told them i had em and i got a discount

^ lol.

lol, got my 5% discount on top of my good rate :slight_smile:

for your information, you don’t need winter tires…if your in the GTA, just gotta know how to drive with the weather conditions. This applies to FWD cars like mine :wink:

Lol, ok.
God forbid you do, but when you hit black ice one night, rear end someone and find out the damages to their vehicle and not only yours are FAR more greater than you can afford, you’ll than go through insurance. And once they find out you don’t actually have winters, despite what you told them your insurance will get canceled. And when it does, don’t complain about it.

Good luck finding insurance after that as well. You’ll be flagged.

Sure we all lie to our insurance company, but we don’t get caught.
Winter tires are a whole separate story.

EDIT: I’m using “you” in a hypothetical form. I definatly wouldn’t wish of you to hit someone Gupreet.

youre an idiot

Dude, winter tires save lives.

It has nothing to do with you being a good driver – there are other idiots out there.

Braking distances are the only true bonuses, and black ice…Matino it doesn’t matter what tires you have, you’ll be spinning out or losing control either way. Thanks for the worse case scenario outlining, I’ll definitely drive safe and stick to how I drove last winter with my all seasons on lol. And lying to insurance companies, it doesn’t matter since your in the same boat, you screw up, your screwed and flagged depending on what you held back on telling them;)

I wish for mandatory winter tires. Sorry. Winter tires are between $100 on kijiji and 600 new for a reasonable vehicle. Average at fault insurance claim is $1000+ Hike. and if your annual insurance policy is $3000/yr for example your tires will pay for themselves over their lifespan with your insurance savings.

You don’t get my point.

You can lie plenty to insurance companies just don’t get into an accident because if they send someone to come check out the car after an accident (which they will) and find you don’t have those tires on you said you have… bend over because you won’t get jack shit, and if your at fault guess what you are responsible for the other person’s repairs/medical bills out of your own pockets. It’s a world of hurt for you from what you think is a small lie.

its not worth fraud to lie…\

buy the snow tires, get the discount, count the accidents you avoid with them.

last year I missed 2

i second that. lol

its not about weather you can drive well without winters or not, its about getting fucked over for fraud when some asshole spins out in the snow and hits you

He didn’t get my point.