Does this sound ignorant?

I hate when it snows and people drive 20mph under the speed limit. It pisses me right the fuck off…I go out and buy a new car that comes with the essentials to make it a decent drivable car in the snow, and I also spend the money to get legit snowtires so I can drive and corner and a resonable speed while there is snow on the road.
To all you fucking people who drive on shitty ass tires and go way below the speed limit because your POS car can’t go in the snow, man up and buy a better car,or better tires you live in fucking buffalo.

end rant/

wow…totally agree. I got stuck behind someone going 30 in a 45 on the way home school… OH YA the plow was about a half mile ahead and the road was perfectly clear and salted!!!

Fuckin bastards

well first i know where your coming from SOMETIMES people drive to slow but in the snow ice any type of bad weather you have to excpect to slow down let me tell you you can be the best driver ever have the nicest car, best tire, best in the snow if you still drive like an arrogant sob and go 10 over the speed limit you most likely will wind up in a ditch eventually so to an extent i understand your rant but still you have to expect a slow down with the weather

Meh, depending on the conditions

It’s better to be safe, then sorry.

I agree with you to an extent, there are a ton of people out there that are ridiculous and really need to learn how to drive in the snow if you live in buffalo.

Me personally, I go to college, i cant afford a 4 wheel drive jeep. i drive a front wheel drive integra. I have brand new tires all the way around, when its shitty, i dont really give a shit if i’m holding someone up, i’m going to take my time to insure i dont fuck myself over by sliding into someones ass.

i agree with you in the sense that when the roads are ‘wet’ from snow (as in it looks like i just rained), then there is no reason to go slow unless visibility is a factor. i see that all the time and it pisses me off.

on the other end of the argument, when conditions are as they were today in a most of WNY, then i feel it is ok to take it easy a little bit and be cautious. not everyone is as good a driver as you, and maybe not everyone has the money you do to buy kick ass snow tires every year, so they just have to deal with what they have and take it easy. hell, at work today i was driving around in a 2500 Chevy truck with 4 wheel drive, really beefy tires and a fucking plow on it. so just because i was driving that, doesnt mean i went barreling down streets at normal speed when i couldnt even see 100 yards in front of me.

its a very fine line, but the biggest thing is dont worry about your car and your driving, because if you can drive good in it, and your car can take it, odds are that most people on the road with you, can not, so watch out for them and be courteous when conditions are less than stellar.

In parts of Sweden, it is illegal to drive during designated winter driving months without a snow and ice rated tire. I have no problem with WNY taking on a similar law. It would prevent so many stupid fender benders.

but… but… You mean that Pep Boys $99/set tires are good?

It does sound sort of ignorant. What about all the people who can’t afford new tires because of some sort of problem in their life. Shit does happen. You can say “It’s their fault” blah blah. But sometimes it’s not.

Speaking of that, I just got 2 new tires put on my car today because my car has been off the road since Oct. and I didn’t get it back til today. They were so bad I couldn’t get anywhere. I was one of those “asshole slow drivers” for a few miles. I never really expierenced the difference between good and bad tires until today. That slush really gets ya.

But I don’t like the assholes who passed me going 60 in a 50 in their Ford F-250’s who sloshed all their shit into my lane. Thanks buddy.

yea i mean everyone in WNY can afford a $500 set of snow tires. Im using mine right now from last year and I would probably be better off with summer tires but im not going to drop $800 on snow tires for another 1 1/2 months of bad weather. Alot of people never got any this year since the weather was so good up until a couple weeks ago. I would of got new snows this year if we got snow before jan.

The F-250 drivers probably had smaller penises than you, if it makes you feel better about your situations.

+1, And spend the extra 5 mins to eliminate the “tank vision” there is more to the world then the little hole you rub in the window

No, bullshit.

Then get off the road. If you can’t afford them, you have no business driving. Take some responsibility if you’re going to drive. It isn’t exactly “safe” to have a bunch of assholes that don’t know how to drive, operating their weather inept vehicles. Driving is a priveledge, treat it that way.

Depending on the condition id rather be safe than sorry.I drive my integra with new snow tires on it and it handles fine, but im not gonna go 40 when theres 4 inches of unplowed snow on the streets , last winter i was driving my moms chrysler cirrus on 4 snow tires and i was only going about 25 mph and it was snowing kinda bad but there was only about 2-3 inches on the street and i had to stop because there was an explorer turning about 25-30 feet infront of me and i still slid and clipped its bumper.

Id rather have the person driving behind me think im an asshole for going too slow rather then the person infront of mebecause i hit them.

meh, people are retarded,they think they can get by on there used allseasonal (noseason) tires…they figure they can save a few hundred…well when you rear end somone 'cuz your tires that are shitty fail you and your insurance goes up 10 fold you will think twice about keeping shit tires on.

when there is a thin coat of hardpack snow on the road (not that sloppy shit) there is no reason why you cannot do the speed limit of 45. maybe slow in the turns…but when you are doing 30 and slow to about 15 to go around turns that is just absurd and makes me yell very loud.

I think it should be a law that you have to have winter tires on your car for the months of NOV-MAR.
for safty reasons.

What if you know how to drive, you just don’t have the funds to get brand new snow tires and all that jazz. (This is just a generalization just so you know.) What about the single mom who has to get to work and back to support her kids and can’t afford new tires because her rent is due, blah blah. Yeah if she can’t support her kids she shouldn’t have had them, she’s a slut, whatever else you can think of, but stuff like this does happen.

Basically this thread sucks. If more people are driving 20mph under the speed limit than driving the actual speed limit, maybe you should be too. Just because you have brand new snow tires, and a 4x4 truck doesn’t mean you’re a better driver.

Just sayin’…

PS. I agree with the safety issue, I wouldn’t want someone to rear end me because they have shitty tires and blah balh. But if they’re driving slow, I’d say atleast they’re atleast taking a precaution, instead of driving the speed limit and putting more than just theirselves in danger.

^^^ :tup:

I drive a FWD VW. not an ideal winter car.
I think if you live in a location that involves a snowfall over over 3inchs snowtires should be a must,not an option.
this thread does not suck.
you suck because you are trying to side with shitty drivers…it’s not that fucking hard to drive a danm automobile.
the only and I mean ONLY reason a person is permited to drive slower than normal in snow is if the car has a plate from texas,florida,ect…

i fucking cant stand it. the ground may not even be slippery but people drive 10 mph.

Makes no difference to me what drivers do speed wise because I’ll just pass them if they’re going to slow…happens in the non shitty weather anyway.I also think that they’ll drive slow with/without good snow tires because many older folks think with that blizard of 77’- RWD mentality.