Does this sound ignorant?

i just hate how the average person doesn’t have the slightest clue what to do when their car starts to slide in the snow.

i seriously think there should be a part of driver’s ed where you go play in a parking lot, like on a drift night. you learn so much about what a car does, on snow, that applies to everyday safe winter driving.

bad idea ^^^ people will be overconfident and plow into eachother at 45 instead of 15

Yes, but I see where your coming from. People turn into retards at the first sight of snow, then gradually remember how to drive. Have a little patience with the overly cautious ones. It’s the over-confident assholes that are going to cause an accident and fuck you up too.

atleast they will make it count:gotme:

Let me emphesis on the road conditions I am talking about…
when it is like 30 degrees out and it is that really sloppy brownish slush/snow that sucks your car left/right,then it is ok to drive maybe 5 under the speedlimit
But when it is hardpack snow…that actually gives you pretty decent traction.there is no reason to drive under the speedlimit.

FYI This is coming from a person that has the mentallity that if the speedlimit is 50 the actual limit is 60.
Who does 50 in a 50 anyways?


well lets see i was one of the people that got the joy of driving in the oct. storm and dthat was that brown slush shit that you were are saying go 5 under if its on the road well if you were to go 40 in a 45 on that day and im talking right after it happend early morning you would have gone off the road. Lesson #1 Let people be and drive how they want Lesson #2 Most people on the roadd probably think your a shitty driver too so dont generalize people Lesson #3 Stop being an ifnorant person cause your words will bite you in the ass when you rear end someone because your going too fast in the snow
Btw i am like you when it comes to the snow i dont really slow down even though i should but if someone is going to slow its simple pass them and another btw if your going 45 in a 45 but the conditions are bad a cop can pull you over and give you a ticket i speak from experence

Lesson #4. even a little snow can be more slick than you think, i have snows and my back end slid out and i plowed into a tree with the side of my car. I was doing doing 25 on a 55.

Better slow and safe.

I thought I was badass with snow tires on my audi, i almost spun out on the 290 because i hit patches of black ice.


Its not that bad here that i would want to make any law to force people to buy tires trucks, or anything like that. Goto MD or WA…2 inches of snow would completely shutdown their highways.

Also your not supposed to be driving the exact speedlimit when the road conditions are bad hence why they issue imprudent speeding tickets. Just because you have 4x4 in ur truck doesnt mean ur going to stop any better.

With that said…
The problem is that people need to use their heads when they drive. I hate seeing someone in the fast lane going 20mph below the speedlimit in a snow storm with their hazard lights flashing…pretty much making their turn signals useless. You put ur hazards on if ur cars disabled and not moving. If your going to drive slow, then get in the slow lane. If you afraid to drive in the snow, then dont.

I drove around to and from work with my 4 ways on becuase i have plastic sheetin on my window and if i go over 30 it will tear off. no one got pissed or bothered me. it was also snowing hard at the time.

On some highways its the law to have your four ways on when traveling under a certain speed. For example on the I-90 you have to have them on when going under 40. But i agree they should not be in the passing lane if they are going to be driving that slow, no matter what the conditions are.

how about this? does this sound ignorant?

ahem what’s this ‘snow’ you speak of? :wiggle:

And you wonder why young males are the most likely to die in car accidents. Lots of people in this thread that think there few years of driving experience has made them much better drivers than they are.

Yesterday I witnessed a man who looked to be 90 years old, put his car into a ditch at about 8 mph, and this was on a semi-plowed street.

Some people really need to drive slowly, although this is an extreme example.

This should apply to every new BMW owners, i.e. the guy driving the 645 in front of me yesterday all over the road with his 18s and summer tires :lol:

Yeah i was thinking the same thing, hard packed snow = ice??


I hope he drove his bovarian battling ram into a semi-truck

people who are bitching about not being able to afford snow tires:

driving is not a right!

if you can’t “afford” to drive, then you shouldn’t drive.

god. i hate poor people.

ummmm…ok I know where your comming from like when its jsut wet…but DAMN like people said not everyone can spend 500 dollars on snow tires when for the most part a good all season tire will get you thru 90% of the snow thats there so I dont think tires are an issue for the most part…its just people get weird when it snows…hell my “snow tires” up until this winter were just decent Kumho all-seasons that I never had any issues with