Does this sound ignorant?

sedlmeier, you are contradicting yourself. winter driving is just something you have to tolerate and be patient with. and even though you spent the money on better tires, and a car with amenities to mnake winter driving easier, doesnt mean that someday you doing the speed limit, or you driving confidently for the conditions wont get you into trouble because there are things on the road you cant account for, cant predict, cant do anythig about once you are sliding on ice/snow and your speed/vehicles inertia is > anything technology has to compensate in any condition.

also you cant expect everyone to know how to drive on what types of snow etc. most people look at their car as A to B vessels and dont care what they are on or what they can do while they are on it. they just want to get there without going to the hospital, or through someones trunk first. it would be nice, but it aint ever gonna happen

Overconfidence is a killer. It will always bite you in the ass when you least expect it.

There is a balance between overly cautious and over-confidence that just seems to go away in most people when on the roads.

Very true, but still I didn’t find it that bad except for maybe a handful a people. And was out driving around for a few hours just for the hell of it. I’ve never really found it to be an issue or I probably just suck at driving. :shrug:

It’s a balance that is impossible to see because most people never pay attention to those that do.

Compare it to driving in the winter in other states I’d by far have to say this is one of the better places drive during the winter when it comes to the other driver. You head south, and people don’t even know what the word counter-steering mean. The biggest issue there being over-confidence at first, then followed by severely cautious the next day. Probably the reason why I just don’t notice it that much around here.

Well being able to afford decent all-seasons that u use all year and driving on completely bald tires are 2 different things…if u have good all-seasons they are fine in the snow…but putting a car on the road with baldys is dumb and if u cant afford to replace teh bald ones then it can be an issues of should u have a car on the road…i mean i do notice a a bit if a difference between my snows i go tthis year and the all seasons i used to use for witner only…but like i said i still never had an issues with my all-seaons…infacr the only reseason i bought true snows is that I needed 17" tires so i had no choice so i figured why not

When its shitty outside you have to expect that people are going to drive slower. It just happens. Not everyone has a vehicle that handles great in the snow. Save yourself the headache and leave your house 10 minutes earlier, and just go with the flow. Getting worked up about stupid shit like this is only going to make you die younger.

You = ignorant.

I was out yesterday between 2 and 2:30 on Walden. The plows didn’t get out yet. I was going 25-30mph - a full 15-20 mph less than the speed limit. That’s because my blizzaks aren’t going to stop any faster - they are on just to get the car moving in the snow. I would rather leave a little early and arrive a little late, instead of ending up in a ditch or someone else’s car.

If you can’t afford to buy a new car, you can’t afford to drive like a jackass.


Personally winter is slow down time, yes, I’m just as guilty as everyone else when it comes to wanting to go faster with conditions…

But as for the snow tire requirement and everything else… personally this year you can kiss my white ass… My car has 2 decent fronts, and 2 bad rears and heading home yesterday from EA to cheektowaga sucked, and I was doing about 15 under in certian areas due to the fact if I went any faster and hit the breaks the car would kick out the right rear tire because I think one of the rear drums are frozen…

And no, I don’t have the $$ to fix it even though I work full time and drive. And if I’m not allowed to drive how am I supossed to get to work? Also, just because I fell on hard times with $$ doesn’t mean I need insults throan at me from insignificant fools like yourself…

Shouldn’t this thread be in newman’s All That is Man thread?

i always hear the modo “drive safe arive alive” or something like that

mines “drive fast take chances”


But I don’t do it when anyone else is around for me to crash into.

quoted for truth… kinda like how once people get their first speeding ticket then they start to slow down, because until then they thought they were invincible.

and to the original poster, while i do agree that yes somtimes people drive too slow for the conditions, at the same time you ARE coming off as the ignorant guy who’s gonna end up in a ditch somewhere


Something else I noticed from this thread.


Because without them, I’m pretty confident a number of people would be driving on completely bald tires and justifying it by saying, “well, I can’t afford tires”.

not everyone has the money for a ‘good / proper’ winter car. sorry for being one the assholes going 35 in half blizzard conditions but id rather not end up being towed out of a ditch, or standing on the side of the road exchanging insurance information for the sake of getting where i need to go on time.

just put up with it like everyone else does.

I’m still runing my summer tires. No issues yet. People are just bad drivers.

BTW_Hakkas going on tomorrow or Friday though. :slight_smile:

unless your “winter car” is also your “summer car”, then you can’t bitch. If you can afford to have a nice car and a shitty weather car, you should ensure that you can afford good tires for your winter car. If you can’t, then buy one car that you can afford to mount good tires on, year round.

Poor people shouldn’t own cars. They should invest in better boots and a nice jacket. Then maybe poor people wouldn’t be total fucking fatasses too.

it depends how bad it is for me… if its really bad outside… i care about my car and i’ll drive slow.

i’d rather get hurt myself than have my car get damaged.

You make no sense at all. You sound just like Newman. Im poor, and i bet i have more money than your fat ass.


edit: jk.

again…I dont have all the money i would like to buy an Elise and Sti and BMW project …but I can afford proper snow tires…But if I couldnt I would make sure I bought tires that I could use all year in the snow and summer…again for whoever said Snow tires should be a law…then u can buy everyone them…or have taxes go up higher so the government can supply them…but having all-seasons that will take u thru 90% of the snow is totally acceptable…but I agree if u cant afford a decent tire even if it is only an all-season that will do ok in the snow maybe u shouldnt drive…but saying that if you cant afford dedicated snows u shouldnt be driving is rediculous