I have cheap BF Goodrich all seasons on, and have never had an accident (rain, snow, sunshine). And I’ve been driving for 5 years
you just fucked yourself, tomarrow. you will hit a pole
January 24, 2007, 2:31pm
I hate when it snows and people drive 20mph under the speed limit. It pisses me right the fuck off…I go out and buy a new car that comes with the essentials to make it a decent drivable car in the snow, and I also spend the money to get legit snowtires so I can drive and corner and a resonable speed while there is snow on the road.
To all you fucking people who drive on shitty ass tires and go way below the speed limit because your POS car can’t go in the snow, man up and buy a better car,or better tires you live in fucking buffalo.
end rant/
Im not going to read all the responses.
I spent MORE on a truck, its 2WD, and has snows. Yet it still blows in the snow. If you have a problem with me driving slowly, so as not to kill myself or others, you can eat my sack…
January 24, 2007, 2:41pm
Im not going to read all the responses.
I spent MORE on a truck, its 2WD, and has snows. Yet it still blows in the snow. If you have a problem with me driving slowly, so as not to kill myself or others, you can eat my sack…
lmao , yea i agree if you dont like me driving a little slower and safer in shitty weather then you can kiss my balls while your front end is burried under another car or in a ditch while im driving “slow” and making it home fine.I kno ive been in an accident in the winter before and ill never not drive a little slower again.
January 24, 2007, 3:55pm
unless your “winter car” is also your “summer car”, then you can’t bitch. If you can afford to have a nice car and a shitty weather car, you should ensure that you can afford good tires for your winter car. If you can’t, then buy one car that you can afford to mount good tires on, year round.
but that would be the sensable thing to do. who does that?
edit: my tires are fine as far as tread depth, just not ‘snow’ tires. i dont feel the need to spend the money on them. i get by fine on all seasons
January 24, 2007, 4:02pm
you hooked up great last winter too. :lol:
i agree with you in the sense that when the roads are ‘wet’ from snow (as in it looks like i just rained), then there is no reason to go slow unless visibility is a factor. i see that all the time and it pisses me off.
on the other end of the argument, when conditions are as they were today in a most of WNY, then i feel it is ok to take it easy a little bit and be cautious. not everyone is as good a driver as you, and maybe not everyone has the money you do to buy kick ass snow tires every year, so they just have to deal with what they have and take it easy. hell, at work today i was driving around in a 2500 Chevy truck with 4 wheel drive, really beefy tires and a fucking plow on it. so just because i was driving that, doesnt mean i went barreling down streets at normal speed when i couldnt even see 100 yards in front of me.
its a very fine line, but the biggest thing is dont worry about your car and your driving, because if you can drive good in it, and your car can take it, odds are that most people on the road with you, can not, so watch out for them and be courteous when conditions are less than stellar.
100% serious, wtf are you doing, practicing writing a doctorial thesis? Jesus lately every single post you make takes up a good 1/4 of my screen.
Heres my response.
+1 drive the limit, if you cant, get over and let others do so.