50 cent house in long island

idk if any of you heard but 50 cents house in long island burnt down recently and im at my parents friends house right now which is 2 streets away from that house. i just went to go check it out. that house is HUGE and very nice. they had to recently put a fence up around the house because some scum bags were stealing what was left of the house :nono . haha just basically wanted to share that cuz i thought it was pretty cool lol

50 cents house is huge? Shocker :lol

Did you get a chance to grab any pictures?

That was quite a story still, 50 cent actually made out well from the incident.

yea i snapped some pics on my phone

the police around here are still trying to figure out this “random fire”. they think its either 50 and his “gang” members that did it or it was his gf who did it to get back at him and get him into a lot of trouble.

heres the link to the story behind it: http://www.nypost.com/seven/05302008/news/regionalnews/50_cents_home_burns_down__report_113209.htm

lol billy’s always in the middle of everything. I wanna see those pics :slight_smile:

dude the house was mad nice and thats counted as his smallest one too lol but i wasnt allowed to get into the property at all cuz of the fence i mentioned before (due to scum bags. why do you have to steal when you live in a MAD rich area to begin with haha)

ill show you the pics when i get home kramer

dude are you shitting me… that bitch oughta be shot for talking shit like that to the news. god damn. talk about baby mama drama

I hate 50 cent, I wish he was in the house when it burned

ggggggggggggg-unot!!! :runaway

Where on LI? I didn’t see where.


i was in deer park, LI but i guess where his house is… i mean was is a different area its like dicks hill or something like that hahaha yea mad funny name

i dont really like 50 that much either anymore but still its not good