Pitman, you’re pulling strings. They’re nowhere even close and has nothing to pertain to the OP.
Feel what law is unconstitutional? The safe Act?, yes. Having to have a permit to set up a stand to sell something in a town or county?, No. Permits have been (documented)required by govts dating back to the Roman empire, including here on this last both before and after the constitution was written… Again, look up actual facts, not crap on these bogus sites. Nothing unconstitutional about that. If the girl broke that law then they were due for arrest, just like any asshat that would try and sell and AR in a private sale in NY right now. Do I think that cop was an asshole for arresting a 7 year old, sure, but there’s always multiple sides toa story wo who knows what actually happened.
Combatants don’t use tinfoil because they don’t believe in this crap like you do. We clothe in Carhartt and wear Geissele Trigger headgear…