6/21- S&R Cruise Night

I hope its well.

If not, hockey.

I left my keys in my neighbors truck, and hes not home.


Rains getting smaller and souther.


should I go? =)


ok I guess I’ll go

you guys meeting up at mighty and if yes what tizzzzime?



how far away is it from mighty and which way u take

i never been thurr

Jeff and I will be there… He’s not outta work till 6:30, so it looks like we’ll be meeting up with everyone there instead of mighty

we will prolly take SHeridan to river rd. again…its like 20 min form mighty…depending on who is leading…Klemann led last time and was slow…and plus we had to stop so skunk could getr gas

woord ill be there :tup:

beck you better look good for me :gay3:

Hmmm Im still debating. I dont wanna drive there from Akron and use all my gas to have it end after 20 min because of rain.

do it

what time is everybody leaving mighty? 630?

Edit. I am not goin, I owe $ still to some people and I dont wanna screw them over becausde I wanna go to a car show. I will definatly be there next week though.


yah im heading up there soon so I can eat cuz im staaaaaarving

I’ll probably be there.

I’ll be a little later than 6:30 I think.

save me a spot with 3 other bizikes :slight_smile:

Saw a bunch of you guys on Parker :tup: