6/21- S&R Cruise Night

No she’s not, some douche is on from 3-6am on my ride to work.

shes does weekends mostly

and don’t forget this one…

Kid: “How much money you got in there?”
Spencer: “not much…”
Kid: “oh, its mostly stock?”
Spencer: “yeah.”

kid walks away. LOL

haaaaaa…sometimes its just easier to say it mostly stock…try decribing to a kid what mods can be done to a maxima that they understand…and :tup: to Butch for getting hot girls on his bike…

Those weren’t girls. :eyebrow:

And I want Val Townsend to substitute my toungue for toliet paper.

shes on right now…with S’N’R

Butch was nice to let us borrow his bike for the shoot. Only 4 girls this week. Pics are up on our site if you want to check them out.

Cruise night pics:

Calendar tryout pics:

i forgot Beck for u no 15 no care

And you gotta love the stained socks and sandals paired with dirty sweat-pants, just priceless. What a scum-bag. Who go’s out in public like that???

There was a fat guy that looked like Uncle Jessie with the scraggly hair and beard with a shirt that looked like it had 6 years of chicken grease on it.

I guess thats what shows up then Summit Mall is on a bus route.

haaaa roflz

i know someone was taking video…dont know who but id like to see it…

Yah, I want to see the video of Beck caressing and kissing my tribal tattoo. lol