6 year old pulled into woodchipper

Its sad that he had to leaves this world so early…


aahhhhhh, the anonymity of the internet … whatever helps ya’ll sleep better at night.

Holy shit this forum has no self control. I’m sorry but regardless if you know the person or not… this is not one of those threads you just joke. A 6 year old helping his father (happy as shit I’m sure and proud of himself) lost his life to one of the most horrific things I can think of in a parents eyes. You guys need to grow up. I could not imagine the pain this father has to be feeling right now. I couldnt imagine the sight this guy had after it was all done. This has to be one of the hardest blows ever to take as a parent. I dont have a kid and I know this is just sad.

I wasnt even going to post at all on this thread because of the thought of what this would be like… Sorry, but some things are ok, this is a kids life where a simple mistake was made… not someone doing 100mph on a city street. Shows the maturity of most of you on here.

If it make’s you feel any better to those cracking jokes, if I made any of them Freek would have his ban stick up my ass =p wahhhhhh

I bet you like it.

serious negligence on the part of the father!

This. I feel awful for the guy having to live with that mistake the rest of his life but as an adult I’m scared to even be around one of those full sized chippers. Even a little common sense says a 6 year old shouldn’t be anywhere near it.

^ Exactly. I can not even begin to imagine the horrific images that this man will carry for life, but in the end why was his 6 year old doing this type of work. I give my kid quite a good amount of freedom to try things and make mistakes, but nothing that could be this dangerous or lethal would ever cross my mind as being an ok thing for a 6 year old to be doing. Fuck, I would never be using one of those. Has this guy not seen fargo?

i cant read that article or this thread…

i would cry… i know it.

At first I was like

Then I clicked the link

and then I was like:
MIND-FULL-OF-FUCK!!! I wouldn’t even want my kid in the same yard as that machine… You stupid bastard.

And the jokes thus far, wow…

On a serious note. I heard in the news the boys favorite cookie is chocolate chips.


Oh deer lord.

My wife told me about this, I don’t think I could live with myself. That image of what he saw will rerun in his mind forever, I don’t know how he will ever get over it.

Jokes are semi amusing, but notice it’s nobody that has kids. If they had kids, they would feel like the rest of us who thinks it’s poor taste, that’s just how it is.

I have a kid. I laughed at the jokes but am sick over what happened. I am also not a retard that would let my kid within 100 yards of a machine like that. The closest she has been to heavy machinery was being carried through a plant that produces batteries in a sealed process.

wood chippers are no joke. I can’t imagine being in that situation

Some of you are seriously fucked in the head.

You don’t have to have kids to understand the tragedy of what happened, just a fucking heart and a brain intelligent enough to understand that some things are funny and can stand a little humor…and others simply put, are not. If you even cared a little about someone, imagine what it would be like to lose them, then multiply that by 1,000. So many threads here are about traffic accidents and the death of close friends and family, many times due to poor or risky decisions. This poor family experienced something beyond their worst nightmare and suddenly it becomes fodder for heartless jokes and mindless comments, by more than one. Threads like this concern me not by the means by which it was started, but by the responses which seem even more tragic.

I agree, you definitely don’t have to have kids to understand the tragedy, and I am not, by any means, sticking up for them and their lame heartless jokes. It’s all fun and games when they aren’t the ones going through the tragedy. What I mean is they will change their tune if they ever have kids. They don’t understand the love a parent has for their child (especially at the age the boy was), and they will never understand it until they have a child of their own. I just don’t understand why EVERYTHING has to be a joke, something this tragic should be left alone.