6 year old pulled into woodchipper

Recently posted

Very sad that one, the father is going to have a rather rough go of it after this.

I can’t really tell what type of chipper it is from the photo, but there are a variety of feed speeds on some of them. Having worked around wood chippers before some are safer then others, but they are all dangerous and a 6 year old should not be trying to feed anything into one of them.

I can’t even fit this in my head. I am in tears as I read the article. My son is five and I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself of the guilt I would harbor for the rest of my life. I let my boy stop at my job sites from time to time but he never leaves my sight for an instant. Although I don’t even know this family, my condolences go out to them in the unimaginable grief they must be experiencing.

Very sad

He was a chip off the old block

LMAO, you are so wrong, I love it.


If you had children, I don’t see how you could even begin to post that.

seems like you have a chip on your shoulder?

You don’t seem too chipper


6 years old is so young… He was just starting to branch out

I’ll remember all these the next time someone posts about a friend or family member being killed or injured in a tragic car or motorcycle accident.

Says the guy whose posted some of the stupidest shit on this forum

Some poor taste fellas.

I understand 100%

I find his posts either informational or fucking hilarious.

/riding sack

Connecticut… Not surprised.

that type of chipper does not have the feeding rollers that slow the limb down…they are fucking scary if you have ever used one…if you get stuck on the branch you better hope you are strong enough to rip the clothing/what ever gets stuck…

Really now. Elaborate if you would. Maybe I post some things that are “goofy” or “foolish” but I don’t think I’ve posted something in such poor taste as that. Your talking about some poor bastard who didn’t have to watch his son die of terminal cancer or illness, but had to witness something as horrible as a commercial wood chipper pulling in his boy. Have a fuckin heart man.


