600 Pound Cow falls onto moving vehicle

A 600-pound cow landed on a moving minivan outside of Seattle on Sunday.

The cow, named Michelle, apparently fell 200 feet from a cliff onto the vehicle

Imagine they were in a 240.


i thought this was going to be more of a joke.

but imagine it landed about 8 inches further up the car…

Holy cow!

yea now that I read it again I should have changed the story to a fat momma joke or something

Wow poor little cow :frowning: it even had a name and all …it was called Michelle! …But for some reason this poor little cow was not happy with it’s life and it committed suicide…wow that was a real mooooooooooving story!

Okay seriously I feel sorry for it. …So did the owner of the car get to keep the cow for steaks or something?

Shit, beat me to it

Thats funny because I work with a 600lbs cow named Michelle