6700 as a Modem not working!

What the Howardforums said to do was the following:

On the original CD that came with the phone, find the folder OEM, then APPS folder, then Drivers, lastly, the folder named CDMA USB Modem folder.

In that folder, I copied the three files, a .exe, .doc and a .inf file onto my computer in the C:/CDMA folder I created.

After unbranding my phone, I get an icon that I can run to enable the wmodem.

Turn it on, hit the start button, then plug it into my laptop.

Computer recognizes the piece, and begins to install it. I point the install program to the right folder, and it begins to install. When it reaches the end of the install process, Winders tells me its stupid and I should end myself.

Basically, the drivers I installed are directly from the CD that came with the phone.