Paging Geehee and all other mobile nerds <3 [WinMo tethering solution]

I’m trying to setup my Samsung Omnia as a modem on my laptop using windows 7. Long story short, I installed the drivers/VZAccess Manager that came with my phone and I have nothing.

I’m not so computer savy so any help would be appreciated.

wow nothing huh? iv spent the whole night searching and I still havnt figured this out.


no luck. there are alot of links on google, but nothing fixes my problem.

is there a setting for USB connection mode?
if there is make sure its on data service or something like that.

WTF I am an idiot. I did exactly that and BAM its connected. Now to see if I am getting internet through my phone.

well i got my computer to reconize the phone, now im having a problem accessing the internet on my computer though my phone. Hopefully Jeff will chime in here and tell me what I need to do.

Are you paying for tethering?

If not, it will not work through VZAM.

I was told verizon recently stopped charging. It was included in the broadband access data plan.

whats your data charge a month?

Looks like they are still charging to me

yea i didnt hear anything about them dropping the cost, and it wouldnt make any sense to me.

what voice plan are you on?

does pdanet have a version for windows mobile? Should have got an android powered phone.

Even at that though, you should be able to open a browser window. You will just get re-directed to VZW where they will ask you ti sub

ahh, so they block it at that level.

ive got to be honest, my WinMo knowledge is pretty basic.

I’m a WinMo expert but not with Verizon. Everything is different for AT&T.

where the hell is fry

That was the behavior I saw when using the VZ Manager with a blackberry. You get connected, but they basically just lock you in a jail until you pay.

With AT&T you had to edit your access points…Internet sharing by default was set to use a different access point (isp.cingular) that only worked if you paid the extra fee. You had to change it to use the typical mobile internet access point. (wap.cingular)
Not sure if that would have any relevance on VZW.

So I got this working using the WMwifirouter and IntShrUI. I pay normal data and email, $30, 450 minutes. I don’t know how long this will work for, if verizon picks up on me using this.

just watch your data usage. dont go past 5 gb of bandwidth.