7/2 NCCC auto-X


fuck that i ain’t goin!!

I’ll be there but damn theres nothing around there.

Wendy’s is right at the corner of Wherle and Transit, it’s only about 2 minutes up the road. Not as nice as on site food, but not too bad.

its at NCCC, not eccn

Yeah, I just remembered that and deleted my post.

i have an “important meeting” at work… also right now i don’t have a tranny.

but hopefully i’ll have a running car and be excused from the meeting.

Unless I find a replacement crank sensor I’m out.

holy cow you people don’t hang around Sanborn, NY much.

I’ll have you know that the Marlboro in has terrific wings. And smells like pot. But terrific wings none the less.


uhhhhhhh who has time to get wings during an auto-x?

No, you have to eat in. It’s a classy joint. You’ll miss the aura. I’m ruining this thread now, sorry anybody. :frowning:


$25 for non member, registration is like 8:30 i think

Depends whether or not I get my brakes flushed by then

registration is open from 8:30ish - 9:30, and tech inspection also closes at 9:30.

well i’ll be out of commission prolly till the end of july :frowning:

Im pissed im missing batavia too i liked that course.

I will try and come but only to work the truck :(…i’ll be back auto-xing next year

Im sure somone will let you codrive… Jim… Jim

Nope. My car is not fit for auto-x. And I am still driving on snow tires.

I prolly am out til next year as well.

:lol: he is awesome and offers all the time.

It’s yours for the taking.