7 Cars Impounded

As most of you already know, 7 skylines were impounded. It made the star news! Just wanted to share this with you guys!

Dont Be Stupid!

wow, names posted as well??? pretty discriptive article, were you guys really going 50 over… ouch, wonder whats on the line now since the new law kicked in last year

I would imagine convictions will be handed down quite swiftly… The media, police and politicians will be all over this.

“Seven people were arrested and their wheels impounded”

They were arrested too???

wow, does anyone who was there know the real story? were they really going over 50, i don’t see why anyone would be arrested unless they were going crazy on the streets and over 50km.

That would make it 130km on hwy 7.

Stunt driving doesn’t necessary have to be 50 over, as long as there’s activities of street racing or dangerous driving, they can be charged like that.

read another article saying that same weekend they have ticketed approx 50 motorists for the new speed law, 7 of those were stunt driving… looks like tnc made some headlines… kidding… heres the article i found on that

yea, its stupid how with this new law in effect people still do stupid things like this. When this new law came out, it was a big thing too! and im sure EVERY car enthusiast knew about this!

Take It To The Track!!!


its was only 3 skylines, 2 porsches and 2 other vehicles.

Agreed. It was not a TNC thing and it would be wrong to even joke about it as that. If anything it would seem to be more of a GTRC thing meets another group of people. Actually, I’m not sure if this is the same guy, but there was a Porsche at the GTRC meet when I was there. There were no other Nissans involved, and the group originated at CG where GTRC was, and not Yorkdale where TNC was.

Thaas really sad I know, PPl this is canada not europe or somewhere else u

ya Pat, I think your talking about the dark blue boxster eh?:hmm
I saw it @ the GTRC meet.

Quoted from clubrsx…


Just finished dinner and was on hwy 7 around 9:15 with friends in a pickup truck on the way back to North Bay … we pull up to a light and we were first… buddy goes “on the left is a white skyline man” … light changes and skyline takes off, 2006 - 7 wrx, 2 more skylines follow, then a matrix, toyota paseo, porsche boxster (might have been some other cars to, but I don’t know… only really payed attention to the skylines) … the guys were going a bit faster than us, like maybe 10 over the limit… we keep going a bit more and get passed by a couple more people, then we get passed by a Black Chevy Tahoe booting it way faster than all those modded cars were and that made us laugh a bit…

next thing you know you see lights from above!!! A goddam helicopter was up there shinings it’s lights… outta nowhere that Black Chevy Tahoe throws on some lights (undercover cops) … the police had a roadblock ahead and stopped all the cars!!! Some serious shit, like it was all planned ahead… not sure if those guys were all street racing or whatever before, but man that REALLY SUCKS for them for sure…

undercover cops were wearing some like dark green clothing (almost military-ish) or something, and there were also city cruisers that showed up from behind, some undercover cruisers, police in a minivan, and that helicopter kept hovering… my cell phone camera pictures didn’t turn out that great, but man oh man am I ever glad I wasn’t in my STI tonight… would’ve probably been screwed for just driving home because of all those other tuner cars around me…


cruiser to my right, tahoe in front with cop in weird clothing next to it (blurry / bright light above is helicopter)

2 of those militaryish cops surrounding one of the skylines

skyline and cruiser

diff skyline

boxster and paseo

cruiser roadblock
it was pretty intense! you could even see some of the cops running after a car that was trying to get away or something… pretty much fast and the furious type of shit went down…

take it easy out there guys!

pretty crazy… i’m driving granny styles this year… lol


oo man here comes the crackdown.
now is the best time to advertise those trackdays guys

That can work inversly. Cops have been known to stake out tracks and book cars when they leave. Its a dick move but its done pretty often. My first and second time to shannonville had at lest 4 or 5 cruisers camping at the sunoco station at the highway exit.

really?? but what could you get booked for? I mean if you go to the track you aren’t doing anything illegal… unless
its something like you drive your track car on the streets…

^not having cats for one.
