7 Springs 2007-2008

Yeah it was I… idiots were going 2mph down the hill from Springs! I got busted up last night in the park. It was such a stupid fall… hit the bigger jump which really wasn’t big to begin with, spun a 3, landed fine, and actually ollied before the lip on the 2nd jump and still cleared it. So I went back up, hit the big one, it was fine… hit the 2nd one, landed on ice, slid on my ass… While I was still sliding fast I popped myself back up too fast while moving, hit the front edge on my board (thanks to foggy goggle) slammed forward and elbowed my right rib hard, knocked the wind out of me… now my shit is in pain!! I might go get an X-ray.

I have never broke a bone before so I dont know what it feels like… I also never bruised a rib… I just know when I laugh, cough, or breath deep it hurts like a mother fucker.