8/6 ROCHESTER Sunday Meet

We’re working on something, it won’t be posted though for :snky: reasons.

i figured we could post the parking lot we were going to hangout in.

PM me im possibly coming out with letitrip…

pm me :snkY:

I’ll either be there in the unnaturally high idling 951 (around 2k rpm right now :() Or I’ll bring the old school hotness out ('66 Austin Healey 3000).

yea… i’m out. sorry guys

Boooooooooooooooooooooooooo :tdown:

sorry bro… ran into some issues

do it! since you didn’t bring it to the cabin on wednesday :tup:

can you pm/call me with the snky info? I’m still not sure if I’m going to come out, or just BBQ in my driveway

id go if someone would give me a ride…im not puttin those kinds of miles on my parents trucks

have we come up with a location and time?

We’re going to keep the locations :snky:

Anyone from Buffalo who wants to head out, meet at Salvatore’s Resturant (so we’re near the I90) at 6:30. We are leaving at 7pm. And try to car pool so we don’t have too many cars. Also, if you drive like a douche with the group you’ll pay for it later.

Anyone from Rochester, PM BLKUUS6. We are going to initially meet up with him then cruise to another spot.

Marnie, I’ll call you. Not bringing the AH out, fixed the pcar :slight_smile:

BuMp for tonight!

no pm yet :frowning:

I got a pm but no info on where the get together in Roch. was or time to be there

Dang wish i could have made it out. :frowning:

Past tense? It’s tonight.

Who’s going from Buffalo for sure?

i would be down, but my car is running to rich atm. i am babying it right now.

Well I meant i wish i could make it out :stuck_out_tongue: Freaking work. :tdown:

You guys are in for a treat tongiht! Got some new body work done to the GLH. It is now sporting some structural duct-tape, and some nice grind and weld marks :smiley: :snky: