87 mustang project

It’s nice to see you’re doing something to it and cleaning it up. Mad props to that. Just my personal opinion on the paint. But still A+ for doing the body work and getting it painted and not just leaving it multicolored and bondo’d.

thats a shit poor excuse. should have just done the body work the right way not half assing it and trying to cover it up with paint.

we’ll this is what happened we scuffed it all down and body work was perfect then when we sarted sprayin the blue ad all these lil scratches popped up . And guess what i didnt feel like wasting all that money i spent on paint sanding it all down and buying more paint.I just want to drive it, and i can dont really care what everyone thinks all that matters is i like it.


thanks man , i’d like to see what all the haters had fer there first car

Painted all the trim handals and mirrors flat black today aswell, maybe this weekend i will have together and take some better pics

I like it. Looks 100x better than it did. I always liked sparkly paint :tup:

more pics

kinda think i like it too

i live next door to him and it does look much better in person

makes me wish i had my 89 gt again

although i am very happy with my mach1 now

hey rich nice too see your on here now, i see your cars at my work right now.

did u not use fine enough grit for the final scuff? when i sand cars at hb we always go over the whole car with red scotch brite pads. the paint looks good tho prolly look super sweet in the sun :tup:

thank you and i forgot you worked at basil…tell yous boss to make sure it is taken care of lol