89 Supra...thoughts? NEED HELP!!!

im not saying the 7m is junk, and it does have good power potential, its just that the stock bottom end is stouter, holds more power and more parts availible for the 1JZ, and to the right subframe, that is why you get a clip with at 1jz already in it. (a few were made overseas) so you HAVE the subframe. And i would rather not mess with the HG problem at all. And you wont be looking for me at all. it is my friends and this will be a summer project as he doesnt have much time for labor. I have a paltry s13 not worthy of any competitor. Im just stating what i know, and i would say you will know far much more than my 6mos of researching mkIII vs. you 2TurboZ. no harm meant.