8Grand + IntelMac + bordem = .....

Windows on a Mac


Runs fine, Direct X is a little fudged, I havent tried any games yet.

This is on a dual Core Mac Mini i borrowed from
work. :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives: :gives:

damn, u must be bored…

happens, i like to tinker here and there with computers. Oddly windows runs fine and the Mini seems to take well to the game i usualy play on my PC. I need to get Half LIfe 2 up and running and see if it shits the bed

so, are they quick or what?

My next will probably have the Intel. So you can play PC games on these new Macs?

Do you know if you can open Mac files with the new operating system. Like if you owned a Mac before and then bought one of the new ones, will it run your old programs from OSX and open all the files? I have a G5 with dual 2GHz processors now, plus a ton of graphics programs I don’t want to have to buy again.

might as well use intel chips and microshaft os’s … :kekegay:

let me know if you get half life 2 running…i’ll kick your ass

well, apple just came out with a boot loader that lets you install XP SP2… macOS Sonoma - Apple, It just a full version of XP on mac hardware. You cant run any mac programs on it NOR see the other partition with out something like MacDrive that will read HFS+. Hell, M$ isnt even trying to build in support for Vista on the mac hardware. It runs pretty good for now. I might throw some 3dMark Tests at it to see how bad it chokes

Bootcamp is a beta and it will be built into their next OS. All you have to do is install the program, use the program to partition the drive,burn the Windows drivers to a CD and then install windows.

It was slow as fuck formatting the drive and installing Windows… but, it works. HL2 single player is downloaded for now. I have 2 clients of this free MMORPG i play running and the CPUs are laughing at me. Sucks about this Mini is the video card isnt anything crazy, the iMacs get a good mobile card. Im still waiting for the equivilant of a g5 to come out. Still wouldnt pay for one, but at least you can upgrade the video card.