
:stuck_out_tongue: I just don’t like to take any chances when it comes to 9/11 conspiracy theorists.


Did anyone here know anyone personally who died in this tragedy?




I never said I believed it


Then why post it, and then imply it is 100% truthful, as such:


y? cause there’s people out their who want the absolute 100% truth that the government is not giving us?


^ bolded statement implying that this link contains the 100% truth.


u guys think that im the friggin leader of this conspiracy crap?, i just posted a link that i found interesting,fcs.


Leader? No, I doubt that You could lead anyone out of a wet paper bag. However, You apparently support it, considering that you are spreading it around.

wow im just gonna erase all my posts cause i dont feel like getting flamed for having an opinon.


wow im just gonna erase all my posts cause i dont feel like getting flamed for having an opinon.


Is it really considered an opinion if You’re not able / willing / intelligent-enough to stand by it, or support it?

im really to lazy to argue about or support anything especially on an internet forum.

The apathetic leaders of tomorrow scare me.


when this happened, I was in class in my senior year in HS, and I was the only one showing any concern at first. Which is pretty fucked up considering I was the only non-american in the class.

I was sitting in Putnams eating a bagel. This character [Bob Miller] comes over and says “A plane just hit the world trade center.” I was like, huh, interesting…[thinking Cessna]. A short while later the new comes on and I see it was bigger than that. I went back to my room in Porter and we watched the new until about midnight. I saw the second plane hit and both buildings fall on the television.

I’ll always remember not only the events of that day, but also telling myself that I’m f*cked. I knew then that the economic fallout coupled with horrible leadership in Washington (if I only knew then just how horrible) would serve to screw me by the time I were to graduate in May, 2003. People said I was wrong but time [unfortunately] proved me right.

To me, it’s sad that my memory of all this is permanently tainted. What should really be remembered as a tragic day that united America is instead going down in history as the catalyzing event for six years [and counting] of governmental irresponsibility and ineptitude.


wow im just gonna erase all my posts cause i dont feel like getting flamed for having an opinon.


opinions are like assholes, and you have a stupid asshole


i was in my kitchen

and i heard it

so i came out

  • dane cook


I’m just gonna put it out there and say that this .gif is probably pretty inappropriate at this time…


but this is ok…

Maybe_memories…you’re a tool.

My second Cousin died in 9/11. I signed up to go to ground zero to help but I was in 11th grade so my fire co wouldnt let me.

I just found this funny…

Today. Six years later. SIX YEARS! Are you safer? Is your life better? Your neighbor’s? Your kids? Have you acclimated to permanent Code Orange and willingly handed over your civil liberties, accepted endless war in your name and 400,000 homeless veterans on the streets of America, agreed with your representatives’ capitulation to corporate control of your life, gotten past that nagging voice that repeats “all the victims deserve justice”, forgotten those pictures of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, normalized the outright lies and utter lack of accountability for anyone in government office … ?

Considering that our country is the safest it has ever been from terroist attacks, and there have been NO terrorist attacks since 9/11…hmm I would have to say YES! Our country is safer.

a tool y? Iam very sorry for your loss and everyones elses. I aint saying anything more so leave me alone.

We’re all dumb… IT Was HOGAN!!


but this is ok…


Yes, it is. It’s probably poor taste, but if you don’t see the difference between an obviously fake gif aimed at humor, and posting some conspiracy theory that seriously tries to blame the goverment for 9/11, I just feel sorry for you.

wow… get over it, theres always gonna be questions about everything no matter what it is. Close this goddamn thread already!


wow… get over it, theres always gonna be questions about everything no matter what it is. Close this goddamn thread already!


This tread wasn’t about your retarded conspiracy theory post, no need to close it.

And I, nor any of the other’s obviously offended by your decision to post this conspiracy theory bullshit in a thread about the history of 9/11 on the anniversary, are going to “get over it” as long as you keep trying to justify it.

hahahahahahaha @ hogan pics

the thread was titled “9.11 discuss”. So I gave my point of view and Im sorry if I offended anybody, but that is my constitutional right to express my thoughts.