

i am not for the media, i like news, but i do not like the blah, blah…



I like keeping up on the news, but its so hard to find actual news reports now. The majority of the ‘big name’ sources are more editorial then reporting.


As far as 9/11/01, what will you teach your kids about it Dan? I’m curious.


[/b]It’s covered by the media worldwide, and most evident to American via the UK press. Hardly mentioned in the US Press (if you search for it, it’s apparent). The entire religious group is being blamed by americans, not the world. Ignorant americans (not you persay) blame “Muslims & Arabs”, though they have no idea how inaccurate that blanket statement is.


Kind of what I figured. We want to blame somebody, so the media gives us what we want.


the MEDIA tries to make the world stop and :cry: on Sept. 11th every year, but they hardly pause to mention Veterans Day, D Day, Pearl Harbor anniversaries, Teh day the wall came down, Nagasaki, etc… even though these days represent MUCH MORE DEATH.

Media < *

My beef is that this anniversary has been trivialized, and evolved into a political argument as well as a ratings booster (of all fucking things) by the media & politico.

The people died, the families grieve, life moves on, the country en masse has already forgotten the raw emotions of that day & those immediately following.


man, I couldn’t of said it better myself. A girl I work with asked if I saw the special “the man who jumped” or whatever on history channel. I guess they wanted to single out one of the jumpers and give his life story.

I just thought to myself “wouldn’t it be great if he was a closet homo, beat his wife and children and owed 15K in back taxes”. Why should one person, out of the hundreds and hundreds that died, but put on a higher pedestal?

don’t get me wrong… it’s a sad day, but the media sensationalizing it is just wrong. if anything, do a national moment of silence for everyone to remember/pray/whatever ones thing is and go about life


why should this year be any different?


Every other year he wasn’t running for president. That’s why it should be different.



I like keeping up on the news, but its so hard to find actual news reports now. The majority of the ‘big name’ sources are more editorial then reporting.


As far as 9/11/01, what will you teach your kids about it Dan? I’m curious.


yes i think the same about the news. about how i was fly in the helo and the they grounded us… but just that the history of our country durning this time, and not the stuff they get in the history books.

I remember being in the USAF training on fire extinguishers when this happened. 10 Mins later 15 F-15’s took off from our base. We jumped from force protection alpha to delta

I will always remember exactly what happened that day 6 years ago, as will 99% of all Americans. There aren’t any other events in recent history that this holds true for.

I was a junior at UB, had just left a morning class and heard lots of people around the spine talking about how we had been attacked. Everyone who had a cell phone was on it (interesting to think that they werent a necessity at that time). Got back to my on-campus apt, and one of my roomates was watching it on tv. The second plane hit shortly after I got there. We all watched the news the entire day.


I will always remember exactly what happened that day 6 years ago, as will 99% of all Americans. There aren’t any other events in recent history that this holds true for.


So true…

I was a freshman and had been on campus for 3 weeksish. I remember waking up and randomly checking the news. When the first building went down I remember hearing a female neighbor crying hystarically. Apparently her father worked in that building.

Did anyone here know anyone personally who died in this tragedy?






I didnt lose a loved one on 9-11 but it still makes me sad. I can only imagine the pain people feel that actually did lose someone. I tried last night to watch The Falling Man and couldnt because it was so sad. I think the media is taking advantage of 9-11.

God bless everyone that was hurt killed or affected in someway by 9-11





y? cause there’s people out their who want the absolute 100% truth that the government is not giving us?


y? cause there’s people out their who want the absolute 100% truth that the government is not giving us?


No, because idiots like you shouldn’t be allowed to breath for the 24 hours that make up 9/11.

if you think i have no sympathy or compassion for the victims or victim’s families of 9/11, then you shouldnt be allowed to breath for the next 24 hours, sir.


if you think i have no sympathy or compassion for the victims or victim’s families of 9/11, then you shouldnt be allowed to breath for the next 24 hours, sir.


If you believe stuff like what you posted your sympathy certainly does not make up for the insult you’re making to their memory.


why? Because there’s people out there who want the absolute 100% truth that the government is not giving us?


lol… :banghead:


I knew that link would start all of this nonsense so I’ll erase it. I never said I believed it, but I know theres people out there who do.

Sometimes I refer to us as The United States of Amnesia.
For one day a year I actually want the media to “over do it”.
Today is that day.


y? cause there’s people out their who want the absolute 100% truth that the government is not giving us?


If you want to sacrifice reason in the pursuit of a false reality that you want to exist then be my guest. It’s your own life that you are bastardizing. If you try to get me to join you in giving up objective thought so that I may lend some sort of perverted validation to your world of contrived ignorance, then we have a problem.

I will not entertain the views of anyone who can ignore the overwhelming evidence to the truth of 9/11 in order to support a conspiracy theory.

This only reflects my belief that truth should be held as sacred. It does not even begin to delve into the morality of twisting the facts behind the deaths of 3000 Americans to create anti-government propaganda.

u guys think that im the friggin leader of this conspiracy crap?, i just posted a link that i found interesting,fcs.