9/22 - anyone elses Time Warner Cable slow?

yeah same here im hella pisssed

When they first came on they talked about needing to do all these upgrades that hadn’t been done by Adelphia before they could roll out new services. Then about a week later they added a whole bunch of new on demand crap. I know they didn’t have time to do any major updates, so more than likely they’re simply pushing too much bandwidth through the system.

If that’s the case I’ll be switching to DirecTV and DSL soon. I’m going to run some tracert’s and ping tests this morning, with my laptop hooked directly to the cable modem (so they can’t blame my network) and see what tech support has to say.

Let us know there wonderful excuse

yeah mine was ballzz slow yesterday.

mine is running slower thenever as we speak


i cant even get into cingular.com or gtoforum.com and the rest of the internet is loading like old people fuck

I love all the computer people on here that are at a loss…They are probbley changing their network around…

I had the same problem too. I even had no internet at all a couple times. I called them when it was out and they came and changed my modem. The guy said he changed a lot of them this week. I just think its there crappy sevice and not the modem. Still seems slower then normal but it hasn’t gone completly out again

Well, they got me by the balls until verizon drops fios here in west seneca.

No dsl available here, so i’m stuck with expensive crappy cable internet.

Technically, I don’t think they guarantee any speed.

it’s definitely DNS problems - surfing is slow, download speeds are fine, its having problems locating server addresses is all

my shit’s mad slow too - about 900k d/l and 300k u/l. WTF? It’s too expensive for it to be this shitty.

Well, about the time I logged off here and hooked the laptop up directly to the cable modem the POS died completely. All I could get was a slow flash on the cable light, so I knew that wasn’t good. I called tech support and got the good old “we are aware of an issue in your area and are working to resolve it” hold message, so I didn’t bother waiting.

It seems to be good right now though. Must be no one is watching on-demand at the moment.

Monday I’m going to all from work and ask for a credit for this month since the service has been so horrible.

Adelphias DNS servers have been wacked for a while…They are the only ISP who was not getting DNS updates from my DNS server. Actually just their business DNS server.

The dns server was totally down a few days ago, we had no net access here in west seneca for almost 24 hours.

Indeed they have been… sadly they wouldn’t acknoledge it. I’d hope that under TW they would update it, but I highly doubt it.

Try setting a static DNS address to verizon. The difference is amazing. still?

I’m using at the moment

Just type “verizon dns” into google, the first result had a list of thier DNS servers.

I switched my DNS servers staticly to my work’s DNS servers… noticed an immediate difference.

if anyone wants them, they are and they are paetec DNS servers. if you’re on time warner i’d recommend switching for now until they sort their shit out

im starting to get pretyt pissed off

i think dial up is better right now