9/22 - anyone elses Time Warner Cable slow?

Indeed I lost sync this morning as well as on-demand. :tdown:

A friend of mine was having problems with connection as soon as the switched over. He talked to the rep that did the on-site and he said that TW is cutting back on bandwidth and people will be getting slower speed.

Mine has been slow as hell since yesterdaycompared to what I usually get. Every web page is lagging, and images, forget it.

dslreports.com speed test result on 2006-09-24 15:27:55 EST:
2252 / 318
Your download speed : 2252 kbps or 281.5 KB/sec</B>.
That is 31.1% worse than an average user on adelphia.net

Your upload speed : 318 kbps or 39.7 KB/sec.
That is 37.2% worse than an average user on adelphia.net

Just checked the listing, apparently there is a major outage in the general Buffalo area. For intermit connections/slow speeds since yesterday.

dslreports.com speed test result on 2006-09-24 15:52:19 EST:
2071 / 426
Your download speed : 2071 kbps or 258.9 KB/sec.
That is 36.7% worse than an average user on adelphia.net

Your upload speed : 426 kbps or 53.2 KB/sec.
That is 15.9% worse than an average user on adelphia.net


God, its driving me nuts! I’ll be going really nice for a little bit, then all of a sudden ALL of the sites im clicking on just crap out and say “page cannot be displayed”

I’ve changed my DNS numbers to other companies, and no use :frowning: Ugh, Im annoyed

A lot of places block outside nslookup requests.

Baldy next time you can’t get on a site do a traceroute and post it.

Oh, so the price of it will go down also, right? :roll:

lol, of course!

having your own DNS > *

its absolutely horrendous at my work. it took NYSpeed (and i kid you not) 10 minutes to load. granted, out work comptuers have a lot of shit running on them, and generally speaking, they are not the best computers, but still. we’ve also had other stores calling us a lot lately asking us if we have had problems using iShip (our main package processing software) or ringing though credit card transactions. ours has been balls slow, but i guess some places cant get anything at all. my house os pretty rediculous too. trying to get on UB’s page to get to my email and stuff = forget it. even trying to get on the DC++ hub is rediculous.

all i can say is Verizon better hurry up and get DSL over here, and them im switching to DirectTV and telling time warner to stuff it!

LOL, I don’t think its DNS anymore. It seems more like a bandwidth usage thing. I have tried a few DNS servers, all with the same results.

The “Buffalo outage” would explain the problem. Bottlenecking through the “tunnels” LOL :slight_smile:

im almost tempted to call them to bitch em out to see what they tell me

its only slow for me on nyspeed…all other websites are fine

it kicked me off bodog earlier today when I was chip leader in the tourney…20 minutes later I was blinded out :madfawk:

It’s actually running at normal speed now. But it sucked for most of yesterday and today.

Hopefully just a temporary glitch.

network is slow… sure some people on here work for TW or old Adpehia office.

But there intergrating shit sense the time warner > adelphia move,

Still slow as balls, I hate working there and knowing nothing of the problem. But to the best of my knowledge Buffalo isn’t being transisitioned fully for a few more months.

Mine has been much better today as far as surfing goes. The speeds still blow though:

Your download speed : 860 kbps or 107.5 KB/sec.
That is 73.8% worse than an average user on adelphia.net

Your upload speed : 423 kbps or 52.8 KB/sec.
That is 16.7% worse than an average user on adelphia.net

I switched to some very reliable dns servers at the router level and have been fine since.

im back on TW dns servers… perfectly fine today.

I was having major speed issues last night when trying to do some work from home so i tried changing my DNS servers back, still slow.

Tried again today and its all good with the auto-assigned DNS servers