'90 Corvette L98 5.7 Automatic Targa Top Coupe

4spd w/ OD FTW!! haha

my tranny is a electronic version of the 700r … they are a great tranny in the right hands

Your transmission also isn’t stock, sweet heart. :hug

Don’t lie. The 700r and the 4l60 are shitpiss.

mine should do ok lolol

Hey chris welcome to shift!

GLWS, but you will have a tough time on here, LOTS of c4 haters. It looks very clean, good price on it as well.

PJB trade for this car if Chris is interested. You will be more than happy. Perfect cruiser and it looks great. Dont listen to these morons.

Up for a real good seller and stand up guy

L98 is much easier to mod and maintain than LT1 if you don’t mind the initial 60hp hit. PJB bitches about driving his manual all the time. This may be a good car for him. If he can fit in it.

Really Id rather have a stick than an auto. I just dont care much for the clutch setup in my car, I wish it was hydraulic instead of a cable system.

My last car and two trucks Ive owned had hydraulic clutches and were easy to operate without much effort and they didnt constantly need adjusting and shit like that.

I’m sure you could trade your Mustang for a late 80’s-Early 90’s stick shift Corvette if you looked hard enough.

the t.p.i system was a tempermental p.o.s setup … that bein said pjb ya need a lt1 way more reliable , more power , the list goes on . the t.p.i setup was a chip motor so any mods needed a chip reburn . the lt1 of 94 up was a memcal so ya could tune it via laptop = easier to run and mod

Vette’s 92 and up had the LT1, just to eliminate any confusion. However as 88 stated, they went to MAF/‘memcal’ in 94.

thats why i said 94 up was memcal . i know vettes were lt1 in 92 lolol

I know you did, I just posted that for everyone else:thumbup

Hey dude, how’s the Z treating ya? I might run mine at the track one of these Wednesdays…
